Position of TRF query

Sup everyone,

Apologies if this has been discussed elsewhere, just had a trawl and couldn’t find anything.

Now, I can see from AP1358C that TRFs are to be positioned centrally on a blanking plate and positioned on the right arm. But I just had a look at AP1358 and the RAF seem to put the TRF so that " the RAF Tactical Recognition Flash (TRF) is affixed to a right sleeve blanking patch so that the upper corners of the emblem meet the edges of the plate". Is there a reason why we are doing it differently to the RAF?

Just thought I’d get some clarification before I start sewing :wink:

Cheers all

[quote=“Foley” post=19654]Sup everyone,

Apologies if this has been discussed elsewhere, just had a trawl and couldn’t find anything.

Now, I can see from AP1358C that TRFs are to be positioned centrally on a blanking plate and positioned on the right arm. But I just had a look at AP1358 and the RAF seem to put the TRF so that " the RAF Tactical Recognition Flash (TRF) is affixed to a right sleeve blanking patch so that the upper corners of the emblem meet the edges of the plate". Is there a reason why we are doing it differently to the RAF?

Just thought I’d get some clarification before I start sewing :wink:

Cheers all[/quote]

Not seen any justification for why we’re doing it differently. From what I’ve seen of the Regulars they don’t seem too certain on what they do themselves.

Have you managed to get 4 sets for everyone then? (I think I can guess why you’re sewing a lot the night before a certain marching event.)

Fair enough.

Nothing to do with Nij I’m afraid, no team for us this year :frowning: Absorbing the time by going on a summer camp, then assisting at a certain Leadership course based at Cranwell…

The RAF dress regulations have also changed to state that the TRF should be central on the blanking plate when no other badges are worn.

Disagree - see below, the RAF Logo badge (RF) yes, but not the TRF - off the intranet just now;

c. Where worn, for example on designated MACA operations, the logo based RAF Recognition Flash (RF) is to be affixed centrally to the right sleeve blanking patch. If parachutist wings are also worn, the RAF RF is to be affixed so the lower corners meet the edges of the blanking plate with the parachutist wings affixed above.

d. For all deployed operations and field exercises the RAF Tactical Recognition Flash (TRF) is affixed to a right sleeve blanking patch so that the upper corners of the emblem meet the edges of the plate. The stripes are to run vertically with the maroon stripe on the right when viewed. When parachutist wings are worn, the RAF TRF is to be affixed so the lower corners meet the edges of the blanking plate with the parachutist wings affixed above

Quite right. That’s what I was thinking of.

So they speak of a “logo based RAF Recognition Flash (RF)” and a “RAF Tactical Recognition Flash (TRF)” - 2 separate badges with similar uses and subtly different rules.

The TRF is the one we know of and is used “For all deployed operations and field exercises”.
The RF is something different it seems. What is it? What are MACA operations? Should this actually be the badge routinely worn by VR(T)?

I think it’s this one Incy:


MACA is Military Aid to the Civil Authorities; helping with flooding, foot and mouth clearing up, that sort of stuff.

[quote=“Foley” post=19656]Fair enough.

Nothing to do with Nij I’m afraid, no team for us this year :frowning: Absorbing the time by going on a summer camp, then assisting at a certain Leadership course based at Cranwell…[/quote]

If you’ve not already sewn them on - DON’T… Station Tailors at Craners will exchange your pristine Blanking Patch (with no badge on) for one with the TRF sewn on for the ever so reasonable cost of £1!

What a waste of time and money that RF is I can see that looking horrible on a uniform

Yes, it’ll look grim on a uniform - but it’ll help raise the profile of the correct armed force whilst it helps out during Civil Emergencies (MACA ops). The poor RN & RAF got very little credit in the flooding around these parts earlier this year. The Army (mostly the Rifles!) claimed a lot of glory and free pizzas though - despite very few of them being dispatched to help out compared to the RN & RAF!