Poisoned Chalice

Given the inevitable sacking of David Moyes from Man Utd this week, given that while no doubt being a prime role, whoever took over the managership of Man Utd was (and will be) on a hiding to nothing unless they emulate Alex Fergusson, are there any squadrons around which are currently or have been very successful that anyone taking over would be expected to carry things on, or they haven’t and the new OCs have been given a hard time.

If you were offered such a squadron would you take the command? Given that there is potentially little scope to put your own mark on it.

I can only think of a couple which dipped after having extremely influential and controlling Sqn Cdrs and the new incubents took flak as a result of the drop. I can remember these people saying I’m not xxxxxx, but feeling pressured locally to keep things going.

Sqn Cdr was always considered the best job in the Corps, not now! We have less control than ever before. If I were starting out now instead of all those years ago I would probably not take on the role. That said and with all the aggravation from Wing/Region etc coupled with the growing number of Walter Mitty types I would not change a thing. Thoroughly enjoy what I do, what I have done and pleased to be able to continue. As long as my cadets are happy, safe and achieving then as a Sqn we are doing everything right.