Dear All,
I very rarely ask for the help of this amazing community, but could I ask you to do a little something for me?
As some may have noticed, St Clement Danes Church has recently moved into the online world with a new website and social media channels.
There is an amazing way in which you can support the church and it won’t cost you a penny.
Could I ask that everyone take a minute and subscribe, like, follow etc on the church’s social media please?
As you may know gaining a larger audience on social media boosts the profile of the church, the church then has a greater reach, and is able to fund raise more effectively.
Despite being the central church of the RAF and RAFAC , it receives no funding from the RAF and has to raise it’s own funds - I know you know what that feels like!
So if you could take just a few clicks to help promote the church’s social media presence it would be greatly appreciated.
Many thanks,