Hi All,
First post on ACC. Having scoured the forum, I haven’t seen this question asked directly anywhere.
I’ve been part of a RAFAC/ACF Shared Cadet Centre newbuild, but I’ve never had the ACF move into an existing and well-established (albeit slightly under-utilised) RAFAC HQ.
Has anyone been through this before, and if so, what kinds of impacts did you consider before the agreement was reached? I have considered the following items:
Sound / noise
Loss of space
Security System
Shared ICT
Domestics, cleaning and upkeep
Recruitment and inter-force transfers
Defect reporting and building maintenance
Weapons / Benweld
Weekend event clashing
WiFi and connectivity
Equipment of value
Parade evening clashing
Wondering if there is anything else I need to evaluate from those that may have been in a similar boat, or even have missed from those that are in/have moved to a SCC.