A ragtag group of individuals, mostly associated with RAFAC, but participating (shhhh don’t tell anyone) as civilians without the having to worry about cadets with wet bulbs, trench foot or any of the multitude of horrors they manage to get themselves into - putting staff in to PTSD….

Many of us will be participating at the Vierdaagse at Nijmegen - incidentally, some of you may know that 2016 was the 100th anniversary of the event as a whole… but, you may not have noticed that 2025 is the 100th anniversary of the Vierdaagse being held at Nijmegen…

Last year about 12 of us made it, not only to the Via Gladiola, but will still fit enough to make it to Matrixx at the Waalkade to “dance” the night away to The Vengaboys.

Last year, in preparation, many of us went to Cosford - where unlike our on-duty brethren, we were able to partake of a refreshing glass or two of hop-infused, fermented wheat based “sports drinks”, to restore our electrolyte balance…

Then on to the Waendel Weekend at Wellingborough (various distances available - I went for 42km on Sat, 25k on Sun); The RAF Pathfinder March 46 miles in under 20 hours; then after Nijmegen, a group of us went on to the Dodentocht - Deathmarch, a jolly 100km bimble through the night and much of the next day at Bornem, Belgium.

With numbers for RAFAC participants at Nijmegen still capped at 100 cadets and staff, if you want to add another medal to your tally - going civvy is your only option, if you’re not fortunate to get one of the teams!

The BDWF can help with a complete package of accommodation, meals, foot care, pre-event taping, 3 rest points with refreshments and blister treatment each walking day and even shuttle busses running to and from town on walking days.

Accommodation is in a sports hall - segregated by gender, with proper beds - that are genuinely quite comfortable! We’ve got our own showers, with plenty of hot water. There’s even two bars to satisfy your thirst at the end of the day. Food is plentiful and tasty!

The group is extremely friendly, supportive and welcoming!

The BDWF are also testing the water this year to see if there’s interest in first timers joining a team of members that have completed the Nijmegen March a number of times - if you have friends / mates that need to be certain of getting a ticket before they sell out!

Then… three weeks after Nijmegen, there’s a bunch of us already planning on going back to Bornem for the Deathmarch again - camping with the local scouts, dancing until late o’clock on the Thursday night, before sorting our admin out ready to start walking on Friday evening.

If you’re interested in joining us at the bar of any of the above events, for a libation or two, or better yet to join us in poor humour and worse singing and dancing, feel free to send me a message!

(Early registration has just opened for The RAF Pathfinder March in June - just £35 to include medal, certificate and commemorative t-shirt!)


A great idea but it shows the lengths that individuals will go to continue with a ‘hobby’ they enjoy.

The blinkered view of HQAC to civilian teams is going to drive people underground.

Why doesn’t HQAC open up to liked-minded staff, many with years of walking and support experience, to look at methods to reintroduce civilian teams. I would be up for discussion, but they must listen and not just stop ideas and extinguish the bright ideas club. :man_shrugging:t2:

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hahahahaha no.

Once is probably enough for me

unless you tempt me with some sports drink lol

I think you’re allowed to wear any costume you like… (post title).


(Shhhh don’t tell anyone… the Pirates have it on good information, that moves are being made to resume civvy teams in a more meaningful capacity…

The last I heard, one of the biggest hurdles to leap is the “need” for HQAC to order a stop to an activity, that many cadets, their families or squadrons may have either paid personally, or participated in extensive fund raising activities, to enable them to go to Nijmegen.

In 2022, the year that the organisers cancelled the first day, due to the excessive heat overnight - RAFAC teams were prevented from participating on the second day - thereby costing all participants their medal, and preventing cadets for meaning their Gold (Nijmegen) Road Marching Badge.

This was the same year of the dramatic heat related injuries etc at RIAT…

Enough has been discussed at length here and elsewhere as to the wisdom of the decision to halt the activity and the knock on effects.

This isn’t the time or place to resurrect old arguments - but it does serve as a reminder the likelihood of frustration, should a similar incident occur in the future.

With many people angry at the perceived waste of money, after being prevented from walking on the second day, it was decided that RAFAC would only participate at Nijmegen in a Military Team capacity, under the auspices of the BMC - and more importantly, with the entire cost of participation being funded by RAFAC, even the travel insurance - thereby taking the heat out of the “I paid £xxx to be here!” arguments.

Making Military teams an “elite” option, for cadets and staff that have already participated at Nijmegen is not the worst idea.

There are many arguments for and against civvy teams vs military, but above all else, HQAC need to recognise the enormous popularity Nijmegen does actually hold among a large group of current and former cadets and staff.

Road Marching may not be everyone’s cup of tea. I’m minded by comments made by OCs and Wing Staff that they “don’t see the point”, but I personally don’t see the point of cyber, or comms - despite their invaluable use in the field and to support STEM at school and college.

But RM offers sooooo much more to mental and physical wellbeing, not to mention team building, peer support, camaraderie, confidence building and personal resilience.

The other aspect that RAFAC is already beginning to lose, is currency in terms of experienced RMTL qualified staff, that have actually walked at Nijmegen - let alone been a 2iC or Team Leader.

The “small blue footprint” is noticed not only locally, when teams of cadets are seen out in public, having a laugh together - but is also seen internationally

Link attached shows a recent publicity video shared by the organisers of the Nijmegen March


Does anyone need anymore proof…?

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I can assure you, that the Royal Oak at Warboys serves an extensive selection of chilled hop-infused sports drinks!

Other refreshment locations are available :wink:

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I never went in, it was too busy by the time I got round, just gossiped with a Sqn Ldr who was at Wittering at the same time as our old supreme leader :eyes:

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The answer is still nope.

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha…

Did I mention no cadets…? Would that help sway you @AlexCorbin

Sign me up

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But no atm!


What if I told you alcohol is extra effective afterwards


Have you considered getting this authorised by @OC.1324 ?

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So many questions.

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Perhaps just do the practise events of cosford or waendal?

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Ooh - not sure if a heraldic crest is in keeping with “the pirate way…”

Get someone else to get it authorised, then steal it

@AlexCorbin There’s a pretty tame 15k this weekend at Amesbury…