Paris Olympics 2024

Here we go then…

Topic for all things Olympic in Paris in 2024.

Well it’s not starting well


and now a bomb alert at an airport on the Franco-Swiss border too so getting worse…

We’ve done loads of manufacturing work for the Olympics. A big customer of ours makes a lot of the remote camera gear.

The guy we work with has said its all a bit panicked and last second. Loads of security threats leading to loads of changes.

Safe to say I wouldn’t want to be there from what I’ve heard.

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Gonna make muster cluster look professional


Me neither.

I assume the US Team will sail an aircraft carrier up the river?

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This opening ceremony is dull


Sums up my experience of Paris quite well then.

I suspect they thought this was a better idea when they thought it would be sunny.

He isn’t living his best life.

After London, Rio’s and Tokyo’s great spectales and even the pop out videos I have found this to be a lot less exciting. I don’t know if it’s meant to get any better (already been a 1.5 hours by my count) but I don’t see this as one I will be bitting to look back on in full. While if I want something fun and spectacluar in the background I will definetly be going back to London and Tokyo and probably Rio.

It’s had some good moments and I do think they are doing a decent job at showing off the parts of French culutre they want to highlight but the way things don’t really blend together due to them being at different points along the Siene is leaving me feeling a bit lost at time. And I doubt this rain is helping the feeling and look of it.

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It’s a dull episode of the Love Boat

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If the french class this a normal and worthy of celebrating, it’s no wondwr the immigrants are coming over here!

Anyone feeling that the commentary should have been done by Graham Norton?

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Gojira were awesome though



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This hot air balloon bit is giving me nightmares of teaching history of flight


What a load of pretentious crap!

I was thinking this but the female said i was wrong

I thought this was intentionally at first lol. Totally looking at this as an Assassin’s Creed guy the whole time.

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Disappointed that this boat was missing…

It was there - you just couldn’t see it in the dark with the spray on The camera.

It was behind the robotic horse (that seemed to go on forever!)