Parade night staffing

I suppose this may seem silly but, are there such things as rules/regs/guidelines for staff numbers during a normal parade night? I had a quick hunt but couldn’t find anything.

I imagine there’s an unwritten one about supervision ratios and I know some who get concerned about no female staff when girls are present. If there were, there are times in my past when I’d have to close for the night on a regular basis.

Sometimes the problem can be too many staff for the night’s actvities.

I too would be interested to see where these ratios are written (if at all)

Do Staff Cadets contribute to the staffing levels or are they still considered cadets?

In my experience staff cadets are staff for exactly as long as it suits the adult staff.

To answer my own question:

So taking this one step further

  • how many units are out there with female cadets, but no female staff or over-18 female cadets
  • how many units have turned away female cadets because of no female staff

What;s your motivation for asking the question?

There was a distinct possibility I was going to be the only staff member last night, as it was others turned up. It just got me thinking really.

I’ve often been the only staff member on unit. Often without warning. It’s never been an issue, I have over 18 cadets, and can phone female staff cover if there are any issues.

Evening All,

Just throwing this out there but this is what JSP 814 Says

3.2 Manning Strengths and CFAV to Cadet Ratios

3.2.1. General. Units within the different CF differ in size and, therefore, manning requirements.
Details on the number of permissible cadets and CFAVs per unit are available from the
respective headquarters. Headquarters are to ensure that, as a minimum, the guidelines below
are followed when establishing posts in cadet units so that cadets can be adequately

3.2.2. CFAV to Cadet Ratios during Non-Adventurous Training Activities. There is no
definitive staff/cadet ratio laid down for training activities as a number of factors have to be
taken into account such as:

• Age of cadets
• Number of cadets involved
• Cadets with special or medical needs (requires a higher staff to cadet ratio)
• Previous experience of cadets in the activity
• Degree of responsibility and discipline of group
• Type and nature of activity
• Amount of risk
• Location and travel arrangements
• Time of year
• Experience levels of staff
• Requirements of place to be visited
• First Aid cover
• School Policy (where appropriate)

3.2.3. The following minimum ratios for adults to cadets are recommended in accordance with
NSPCC guidelines:

Minimum of 1:10 for all external activities (with a minimum of 2 adults present)
that are not subject to a higher ratio e.g. shooting

3.2.4. Each unit must have at least one adult of each gender present when there are cadets
of both genders in the unit
, at annual camps, weekend camps, in training overnight and
during all forms of training. Where there are single sex units there is no requirement to have
adults of the opposite gender present.[/quote]

My Bold

Standard ACE

Interestingly it doesn’t say what to do IF you don’t have a member of staff of each gender present on a bog standard parade night.

It’s pointless having a ‘rule’ if you don’t explain what to do, should you find yourself in that predicament. One would imagine send them home, but you may as well tell them to leave, if they turn up in good faith and for any number of reasons your male/female staff aren’t present and they have to go home.

Do they ever insist that sqns with no female staff do not recruit girls or take action if said sqns have girls on strength? Easy enough to check using SMS. We had girls on the sqn in the early days of girls in the Corps, a good 18 months before we got any female staff.

How many (outside some CCF/school sqns) single sex units are there?

I don’t imagine for one moment that the authors and or final arbiters have ever been CFAV.

[quote=“Leeroy” post=6949]Evening All,

Just throwing this out there but this is what JSP 814 Says


Good job that 814 doesn’t really apply to us eh? :wink:

[quote=“Perry Mason” post=6959]
Good job that 814 doesn’t really apply to us eh? ;)[/quote]

You think a document titled “Policy and Regulations for Ministry Of Defence Sponsored Cadet Forces” doesn’t apply to the ATC?

I was in an all male ATC squadron for a while.

That was by accident rather than design though. All the local girls joined the ACF.

I thought that was standard when we didnt like the rules…?! :blink: :blink: :blink: :popcorn:

I thought that was standard when we didnt like the rules…?! :blink: :blink: :blink: :popcorn:[/quote]

I must say Leeroy, aren’t you putting a little too much store in ‘common sense’ to assume a document entitled “Policy and Regulations for MOD Sponsored Cadet Forces” applies to us? Such thinking will not be tolerated in this man’s ATC.

You want to see what JSP535 says about radio equipment.

So taking this one step further

  • how many units are out there with female cadets, but no female staff or over-18 female cadets
  • how many units have turned away female cadets because of no female staff[/quote]

My unit has been without female adults many times, and I can say with confidence that we have never had any issues arise as a result. We have female cadets that can help each other if required (it never has), I contact female CFAVs via the phone and if necessary the parents are only a couple of minutes away.