Paces Left / Right

Can we settle a debate?
What should “paces left/right close march” look like?

Specifically, should the “bent knee” position be used at any point in the movement?

I’ve seen 3 different options. I’ll use paces right to describe:

a) the right knee is bent, then placed down 30cm to the right. The left knee is then bent to come down to the correct position of attention. i.e. both knees come up to the waistline

b) the right foot is lifted slightly off the ground, then placed down 30cm to the right. The left knee is bent to come down to the correct position of attention. (i.e. only the left knee comes up to the waistline)

c) the right foot is lifted slightly off the ground, then placed down 30cm to the right. The left foot is lifted slightly off the ground, then placed down to the correct position of attention. (i.e. neither knee comes up to the waistline).

The RAFAC Vimeo channel shows option b (but also calls “sideways march”, which isn’t correct).

The book has the following:

Each knee is bent sufficiently to avoid dragging the foot along the ground

My take, therefore, is that option c is correct.

A poll, and opening to the floor:

Which is correct?
  • A
  • B
  • C

0 voters

I’ve only ever known B. But it has been a while since I was actively involved in any drill. I distinctly remember having to tell people off for stamping too hard as we were worried about the flood caving in when doing right/left close march to move squads about for first/final parade!

Those videos are KCS drill so take some with a pinch of salt. They are being re done.

But option c

The movement says bend sufficiently where as a movement that does require a bend the knee position call out that the thigh is to come parrallel to the ground.

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But KCS set the standard for drill? They’re the only people I see halt properly in this organisation.

Its a controversial subject,

They look ace but tweak their understanding of the book.

Like their about turns are over 6 paces instead of 4

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i assume you mean with a nice subtle heel scrape?

That and the half pace, which takes half the time.


As much as just doing a pace left and right in my room resulted in what option B is saying based on the book I would have to say option c seems to right.
Oh well, just another thing we add to the list of squadronisms to look out for.

Definitely not correct though