Original ATC fitness requirements

Evening all.

We’re planning a night to challenge Cadets to meet the RAF fitness requirements. A while ago however one of our FS found the original fitness requirements to join the Corps when it was first created. I’ve had a quick look for them but to no avail. Does anyone know what the original fitness requirements were?


I can’t remember what they are (and haven’t bothered looking for them) but I seem to remember they were in the instructors notes of the old ACP31 vol1 - that should be up on Ultilearn.

Thanks for the quick reply, I’ll investigate.

Edit: Found them

12. The new ATC squadrons adapted their training programmes to prepare young men for entry to the RAF in specific trades. They increased the amount of academic work and concentrated more on physical fitness by introducing a compulsory PT test. To pass the test the cadet had to be able to:
a. Run 100 yard (91.4 metres) in 13 seconds.
b. High jump 4 feet/1.22 m (or 2ft 9 inches/0.84 m from a standing jump).
c. Long jump 15 feet/4.5 m (or 6 ft/1.83 m - from a standing jump).
d. Clear 4 ft 3 inches/1.3 m with any style of vault.
e. Run 1 mile in 6 minutes.
f. Walk 5 miles in 1 hr 10 mins.[/quote]

Interesting that 40’s ATC standards seem higher than today’s RAFFT!

I remember talking to my uncle about his time as a an Air Cadet in the late 30s/early 40s before he joined the RAF and comparing what we did and didn’t do to what he did.
Overall it seemed (or his stories suggested) a much more physical and practical experience than what we have the modern cadets. But then in the late 30s/early 40s they didn’t have to faff around with H&S like we do now. He regalled me with tales of rearming, refuelling and patching aircraft and doing security patrols … how much fun is that. Could you imagine the RA and other BS that would be needed today.

But in relation to PT and the test he said in the late 30s to 45 there was an expectation for young men to do military service and really needed to be physically fit and some practical skills ready for call up, which wasn’t and hadn’t been for 20 years or so (end of national service call up) when I spoke to him about his wartime cadet service. He said that a PTI from the local RAF station used to come down and take it, along with aircrew, radio operators/techies, mechanics and engineers to do things with them.