Ordering new chairs

Does anyone know how I can go about ordering new classroom chairs. Is it even possible? If so how and who do I ask?

A call to the parent station barrack stores would be the first POC I think.
That’s who I called when I needed to get rid of a load of old chairs. They’re responsible for the furniture items on your inventory.

Issue is I don’t have any on my inventory…

Well you will do if/when they provide some.

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I would suggest caution I indented for stacking chairs c.10 years ago and what we got wasn’t new. I complained and was basically told take it or leave it. I know the chairs weren’t new as they came sans ‘wrapping’. I wouldn’t have anything off them now.
I’d sooner look or ask around for secondhand furniture.

Were they clean and serviceable?


Given the fact the air force are struggling to even fix toilets and water systems for the regulars…I think cadets getting serviceable second hand chairs is more than we can expect

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Considering all the noise that gets made about budgets and wastage, I’m pleasantly surprised and pleased to hear that furniture is stored and reused - beyond the hangars and hangars of kit that only comes out for VIPs and events.

Imagine if everything was thrown from every office vacated by units and then all new purchased when another moves in…

Besides… All we know at this point was “it wasn’t wrapped”…

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You will be scaled for chairs, so just contact your parent Station and demand (means request) some!

First they weren’t new and secondly they are on the inventory and at what looks like a new price in terms of the depreciation. If they are going to do this they should be at the already depreciated cost. According to the last listing they were still valued at a third of the new price, 7/8 years on. I was looking to get them written off the inventory. We have offices full of desks etc that are zero value and some of it much less than 10 years old.

but were they clean and serviceable? you’ve not answered @Giminion’s question

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What difference does the monetary value make in a world where we didn’t pay for them?

The value in a desk is whether you can use it.


For the past 3 years on my annual muster I’ve been requesting new tables and chairs… If anyone has a solution I’d be grateful (and one of the issues with self purchase is that we’d need to store what we already have without more room for it!).

The value in a desk is what’s been left in its draws from its previous occupant. Usage comes a close second.


Why do people get so worked up over a Sqns inventory…

You know what I did ref chairs.
Binned ALL the old rubbish on Sqn. Bought 80 new school chairs.
Did I worry about inventory… no.
Told the civ com, chairs were gash. Asked for funds. Got a grant. Bosh.

If someone ever were to ask… I would say.
Dunno guv, it was like this when I took over in 20XX.

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I don’t care where they come from, I just want people to be able to sit down and not on top of a shredder like last night.


To be fair, you ought to have worried about the inventory, because they’re not your chairs. It’s just courteous I feel, and not least of all whoever holds your inventory has to sign regularly to say that all that furniture and equipment is present and correct. Surely it’d be better to get it removed from the inventory than to falsify paperwork and knowingly sign to say that you are holding equipment that you know to have been scrapped?

As a cadet during work parties I routeinly heard the staff say “We can’t get rid of that - it’s on inventory”.
When I took over the inventory myself one of the first things I did was phone the parent station barrack stores and ask them if we could write off 30 old crappy chairs…

“Yep - That’s all done. Anything else?”

“Well, now that you mention it… The dustbin was taken away by the council, I’ve got 4 waste paper bins on here that I’ve never seen, one fire extinguisher was condemned and removed by the Region H&S officer, and I’ve no idea where these 6 sets of '37 pattern webbing are…”

“Ok, no problem, they’re all off your inventory”.

Easy really.


Why does that matter to you? You aren’t the accountant.

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We’re fortunate to have a member of staff who works in a school, they seem to replace their kit regularly and don’t care where the old stuff goes.

Maybe get in touch with a few local schools - ideally ones kids at the sqn go to… - and see if they can help you out? Will probably be quicker than getting some through the official channels.

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It’d be funny if it was a primary school.