Open day (night!) activities

We have an open day coming up for the new recruitment cycle.

Anyone got any good ideas of what to do, or what has been successful on your sqn previously?

Thinking of having groups of cadets doing different things, although I am conscious of issues if some are in greens doing more fun things and other are in blues doing slightly duller things

My sqn is holding its Recruitment evening on Monday.
We’ll have cadets split into 3 groups showing of:

  • Aviation, with flight Sims and a RADAR SIM running
  • Fieldcraft & Radio Comms
  • Leadership

The recruits and their parents will have a intro from the boss then be split into 3 groups to round-robin the different activities with the recruits encouraged to join in.

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Haing just had an open evening with nearly 70 visitors resulting in 18 sign ups, we set up the drill hall with tables demonstrating the different activities available. We had cadets in wedgwoods, blues and greens to showcase the different uniforms.
One of out uniform officers did a small introduction chat to cover the questions we normally get asked.
After that senior cadets led tours around the facilities and potential recruits were given a flight sim challenge to try. This had a big queue all evening. Our CivCom supported by provided refreshments and handing out sign up packs.

For me personally its about retention over recruitment. Although its great to get 20 kids through the door its not good when you only enrol 5 of them and 2 are left after 6 months. We start all of ours with a short chat about the organisation what it can offer but also the realism of what and who we are. For many kids and parents it will be the first time they have met someone in a blue uniform in their lives immediately they think its what you do as a job. I always open with the volunteer side of things and to get on although we will assist in development, you will need to have the desire and drive to do things. Flying is a special treat but we will try and get as many slots as possible etc. I “sell” leadership and CV builders like DofE etc being open and honest about cost and commitment, some on our squadron don’t like approach but I prefer transparency, I will happily admit the organisation isn’t perfect but when you have the slide about the numbers of CFAV and cadets involved where most of the day to day running is done especially locally by volunteers it surprises many. I will always buddy up groups with cadets so they can do Q&A whilst committee members do the Giftaid piece and usual request for extra people. Last intake we brought in 17 enrolled 16, the one before we brought in 11, enrolled 11 and 9 are left after 12 months.