One rule for us

Again, the point of how can we measure experience in a CBA by bean counters

Perhaps you have a different experience of HQ then…

I had to fight tooth and nail to have a 20 minute parade take place in assistance of our Lieutenancy Office. This is because the weather forecast was wet (it was a summer month) and shelter, warm drinks and food was available after free of charge.

I dont mind the parade going ahead as I say and I’m glad it is, but also want to know why others are held to a different standard which was the point of the post


Was it volunteers or paid staff you were debating with?

A happy mix! (I trust my sarcasm is recognised)

Badges are quantifiable and people and Squadrons are judged against how many of their cadets have been awarded badges, pleasure and enjoyment are not quantifiable therefore doesn’t appear on a spreadsheet, so in the eyes of some, completely worthless.

I find volunteers tend to overthink & you get ridiculous stupid decisions & the paid staff just want to box tick the bare minimum (when there’s an issue or a blocker that is, a number are very good).


That sounds mad. There is absolutely nothing stopping us running activities in the wet, so long as it’s not also cold.

If you want some ammo to argue with in the future, I suggest doing the Cold Injury training on DLE. Or have a read through the policy.
At the end of the day, if it’s above about 16C, getting wet doesn’t really matter too much. Unless it’s for multiple hours.


Question would be if I organised a Sector/Wing D+C camp (enabling all to attend and experience the activity) would it get authorised?


Interesting… but I’d rather see a panel of volunteers do this, with the organising staff given opportunity to explain their decsions.

My camp was criticised and used as an example without any opportunity to explain myself or my decisions.

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Exactly the same @TimSqn our camp was used as Wing Staff cannon fodder for months after.


It is truly demoralisong and heartbreaking…

This is why people don’t want to volunteer and so many of those who do, just do the bare minimum as they don’t want the hassle of getting it past our WHQ/RHQ


By the logic of the people telling you cadets can’t go out in the rain, surely that means no more paddlesports? As they might get wet… Utter madness whoever is telling you these things. But not surprising I guess :rofl:

@JoeBloggs but there is a Badge surely!?!

You can certainly get a blue one….


Not there, dunno

Was your camp a national camp? What level of the org critiqued it?

This is not good to hear, I’ve always had to “justify” the camp/weekend that we are doing but in the sense of what were the Aims and it’s never had to include what qualifications are they getting.

The money side of it - I can’t really complain because there us a lot of overnights and courses (including at mod locations) where I would love to know why they are charging the cadets certain amount. And the argument of it costs more with the school/scouts/guide shouldn’t come into it. I do think within admin orders there should be a break down of where the money is being spent because I do think there is some explotation is going on. Take DofEs for one night costing £20 but it’s “ok” because the school cost 10 times more.

It would be good to have similar to the Overseas document where it lays down what justification you have to provide in order to run the trip - and very few overseas will provide qualifications

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tbf to RIAT there is not as much cost as you’d think.
the catering is paid for by the Air Show, as is much of the merchandise.

the largest cost will be travel (Cadets to/from camp) and the logistics of moving the tents/gear. There will be plenty of VA claims, but that is universal.
Almost all of the the rest of it is paid for by the Air Show

indeed and this is why back in 2018/19? the big ticket items were split between 3 regions, your region got to attend X while the other half of the country could apply for Y

Don’t forget that CVAVs are able to claim pay - i don;t think the scouts & Guides are.
This will push up the costs of multi-day events.

Volunteer Allowance not pay as that would open a whole different can of worms.

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