One Free Place on MTa Training Course - 15th Jan, Heathrow


I’ve one unfilled spot on the next MTa training course that I’d like to offer to ATC. The course is usually £95 but if anyone would like to attend do come along as our guest…

The course is an opportunity to get your hands on MTa kit, have a play and learn how to make the most of the materials. I don’t think I’m allowed to post the precise details for security so please e-mail me for details - jamie + mtalearning + com. Or call me on the office number. Google MTa Learning. Please don’t PM me, I don’t visit that often!

This is a link to the ATC using MTa…

You can find more details about the course here:-


Thanks for all your interest, the place has been taken by 2515.

Can I just ask what MTa is?

Hi Mrar, mta write, design and supply team development, leadership and communication activities for ATC. The actual name mta is pretty dull - it stands for Martin Thompson Associates, from a time before MTa even designed activities. It would be much better if it stood for Military Training Aids!

This is excellent kit, that I have used previously as a Cdt on NCO courses, but until joining this course on Wednesday did not realise the full potential, we were using it as a large lego kit!!

I had an enjoyable a day, and gained a lot form the other participants on the course, from their experiences, due to the range on individuals involved. I am now really keen to get some of this kit in front of my cadets to watch them develop and understandi key teamwork and leadership principles.

Most RAF stations have a set, and I understand that RACs also have them, well some down our way. If you can get your hands on it this is an excellent resource if used correctly.

We bought a set for our Sqn through the civ comm. Gets used from time to time, but you do need to do the prep and plan it properly, else, yes it ends up being a big lego kit.