Oh - guess this will have an impact?

I’m very surprised that the rifle was stolen. They are usually very well secured (some people would even say over-secured - I’ve seen a large full-room armoury with motion sensors, the works, all for two No. 8s), and stealing a “military” rifle is surely going to cause a larger stink than taking a civilian one…

I think we need to be careful with any comments re security on here!

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If you were referring to my post, I don’t think it’s a security issue to mention how strongly protected they usually are!

If you were referring to my post, I don’t think it’s a security issue to mention how strongly protected they usually are![/quote]

Not at all. Just a reminder for all later posters. :slight_smile:

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I am surprised as well. The chests used to stored these rifles are usually quite sturdy and would require some determination to get into. I wonder if they took the whole rifle…

I wonder if it was actually a firearm or was just an imitation or deactivated rifle.
I also wonder why it mentions Friday 11th November

Looks like a real rifle but it was last Friday early hours http://www.hampshire.police.uk/internet/news-and-appeals/2014/november/151114-firearm-theft-alton-44140409448

Not good. I can only hope for all involved that the weapon was properly and correctly secured.

I do wonder if the fact that Cash and the rifle was taken means that the Arms chest was being used as a general purpose safe as well, and thus was targetted by someone who would know the contents, and be able to come prepared with the right tools to assault the armoury.

Feels horrible to say it but…


Well it looks like the High Jump for whoever’s at fault - now that the Firing Squad is out the window.


A serious matter - I hope all comes to a satisfactory conclusion and quickly.

As above, If it was secured correctly as per policy then I’m at a loss for how it was taken. Those arms chests aren’t exactly easy to get into! Does sound like it might have been an inside job, as bad as that is.

Looks more opportunistic to me given that other organisations have been targeted. Although it does look like someone knew where things were. We’ve had spates locally of different organisations being hit and thus far we’ve been lucky.

As for getting into the arms chest, if its a Benweld, they’d have needed some industrial standard kit but an old Thompson would be pretty easy to get into by comparison with DIY kit.

It was quite interesting to be reminded of at the week in that who are the likely candidates to “borrow” arms and ammunition from cadet units:

Terrorists - unlikely to what to break in to steal .22 weapons - they’ve got better.
Criminals - unlikely to what to break in to steal .22 weapons - they’ve got better.
In house

Safe storage and use is imperative for the continuation of shooting in the ATC.