On the subject of Cadets going straight into Staff uniform I have to agree with having a break, perhaps not from the Corps but from the Squadron attended as a Cadet.
At 20 I left as a Cadet, was appointed a CI and immediately applied for a uniform position, I also moved unit (and Wing, due to university more than my desire or by request of Wing*) it took 10 months to be appointed into uniform and was obviously a CI during that time.
It was my third Sqn but my first experience “in the office”, I had a fresh start and although could build on my experience as a Cadet at two other units, was a CI with no known history or expectations. I was adopted into the Staff team as a member of Staff rather than as an ex-Cadet and having no prior experience with the Staff I was working with stepped up to the role of Staff and their level, rather than “rest of my laurels” (as some ex-Cadet CIs tend to do) as my “laurels” were not know in this unfamiliar unit and Wing.
I personally didn’t enjoy being a CI, but it did teach me an appreciation and understanding of the position. I know my route was unusual, moving Wings, but I think removing any links to being an ex-Cadet was the best move for me, I had to switch on and instantly adopt the professional Staff attitude and I believe made me a better Staff member as I took the role of Staff and CI seriously rather than “the next step” in my progression at the same Squadron.
*although I will add it is recommended and highly encouraged in our Wing that straight-to-staff-ex-cadets do visit another Sqn for a period of time, typically 3-6 months.
I really don’t think there is a quick fix or any real solution to the question of “what rank should newly uniformed Staff/Cadets be appointed into”, not until the role of CI and Sgt are better defined, understood and appreciated.
CIs are expected to go into uniform and looked down upon if they don’t want to, and far too often not offered the respect (or dignity!) that they righty deserve
As such there is a bad taste amongst uniform and CIs alike being seen by both parties as “just a CI”
Sgt can be/is seen as a “training” rank given it sits at the bottom of the rank structure. This is the wrong attitude and is one which is so widely experienced it is seen in this thread, going further down the rank structure as the suggested first appointment. The lower the rank the more of a “training” role people are applying to it. Appointment to Sgt, much like it is for commission should go to the right people with the right attitude.
Much like the regular SNCO who work through the ranks taking 12, 15, 20 years to reach Sgt are annoyed at seeing a 21 yr old Sgt (ATC), I am still annoyed when I see a Sgt (ATC) who isn’t up to scratch and gaining “on the job” (read “in the uniform”) training.
When I was a Sgt there was nothing to distinguish me against these “training” Sgts and frustrated me that I was tarred with the same brush.
As such I approve of the idea of a “training for uniform” rank and don’t agree that “CI” covers that requirement well enough as not all CIs can be categorised the same way.
There will always be CIs who are not suited for uniform, either though personal interest/enthusiasm, commitments elsewhere or simply age, while at the same time CIs who are working towards a uniformed position and so we have two streams of CI (much like the two versions of a Sgt) which causes the confusion of what a CI actually “is” so yes, why not have a “training rank” at least then we can better define our CIs and treat them accordingly and distinguish those who are looking for a SNCO/commission route via the “training rank