OC Survey on SharePoint - Keep Staff Cadets or Not

I wonder if the sharepoint migration attempts foiled some responders.

It looks like nobody has told the Wg Cdrs, still no responses.

i never

Not too sure about any other staff cadets lurking on this forum but I just received an email asking senior staff cadets about their views on staying on at 18 or whether to leave at 18 so it’s nice to see that they’re also getting views from those of us that are currently staff cadets and what we think about it as well


Who sent you the email?

Noddy’s friend’s CO got an email from his Groupen Furer 2 days ago!!!

Not too sure off the top of my head but I do remember it being a RAFACHQ email address that came up as the notification

Ok was it sent to a Bader account ie training/ adj, general

It’s a bit strange that all the staff cadets get an email from HQAC?
Maybe the OC got an email and forwarded it

But for hqac to have all the email addresses for the staff cadets is a tall order.

Would or should they be able to have them?

That’s for a totally different discussion
But in this case, I was wondering why cadets get a say but most of the staff don’t

Presumably a proper OC will poll their staff, but there is sense in seeking the unfiltered opinions of those most directly affected.


It was sent directly to my account but I know that my personal email is on SMS but other people I know who don’t have their email addresses on SMS who didn’t get it

thanks, That’s interesting…

So are you willing to share your view??

Have read some opinions on the survey but not all so excuse me if I’m repeating someone elses but here goes

  1. Why trust the survey after the VR(T) Poll?
  2. this new line of 18 plus CI’s or (god forbid) RAFAC Cpls is using a sledgehammer to crack a nut. All we need to do is provide seperate accom in line with their age. No other organisation allows a 19 yr old man or woman to share with a 12 year old! If that means places at camp or residential are allocated on gender and sub divided by age so be it.
  3. I have always and will always use my cadets for tasks based on maturity, not age. 18 makes you an adult but age is not a qualification. (If I read one more “I would never leave an 18 yr old in charge” comment I will remove what little hair I have. I have had over 30 yr old staff I wouldn’t leave responsible for a group of cadets as the cadets could run rings round them.
  4. If those on high do listen then CI or PI is not unreasonable although I would prefer to see an Officer Cadet (as per UAS eg not an Acting Plt Off. RAF understand UAS) I think Cpl is worst of all worlds. Personally I would make the choices CI at 18 OR remain as Cadet SNCO (with accom sorted) or Officer Cadet.

Personally as much as I feel we shouldn’t keep over 18 cadets, I think the fact that some of us have managed to get a lot more out of the corps since turning 18. I started slightly late at the age of 14 and was on a squadron where not a lot of activities were mentioned, it took me 3 years of trying to get on a blues camp before I finally got on one, and two years to pass first class, although that’s a completely different matter. But since I transferred when I went to uni just after I turned 18 I’ve managed to get a lot more out of the corps and I’m more willing to stay in now as staff whereas if I had left at 18 I wouldn’t have because I got absolutely nothing out of the corps that I wanted which wasn’t my fault at all considering I bugged my staff to tell me about things. Now I’m in my last year and I’ve made a plan with my current staff of what I want to achieve in my final year (or year and a half when it was made) so I can get some more qualifications to help run activities, and I help a lot with the training on squadron, something that I know wouldn’t have happened at my old squadron. So in all honesty, I feel the opinions of cadets will differ based on squadrons and I feel that’s quite sad because when talking to people around the corps, or even just my wing, a lot of others have been offered a lot more opportunities and have had help in getting them. There’s also a number of activities in the cadets that require you to be 18 or approaching 18, such as JL and IACE, as well as getting CWO. And although the suggestion of leaving at the end of sixth form/equivalent is nice, would that not cause an issue for a. People who resit a year b. People who skip a year and c. Those that are born late July/August who won’t necessarily be 18/have only just turned 18 as they leave compared to their peers who may be born early in the school year, who can get the staff qualifications during their last year of cadets


What’s wrong with the way things are now? By ending cadet service at 18 then you are reducing the opportunities that cadets can have. In my opinion, the best cadets really show that at 18/19, so why force them into staff?

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Or it’s the mediocre cadet that OC just hasn’t the nerve to say know to.

Sometimes I think that there should be a cut off with a gap, at others, they should be move to gain a more rounded experience of ATC life.

Don’t get me wrong, I’ve seen some excellent cadets over years, but many more who have stated on after 18 and not performed.

Actually if you lower the age you will increase the opportunities by taking out the 18+.

But if Cadet Service ends at 18, surely it would be the end of Cadet Warrant Officers. That would be a massive shame as that is the best rank in the Corps!

There are CWOs in the CCF you know :face_with_hand_over_mouth: