Notice Boards

As the title suggests, what do we all have up on display in our Squadrons?

I have recently taken over a Squadron and have inherited ten notice boards which are that old they have pre-historic drawings on them, so they’re all getting stripped back and renewed but looking for ideas for them.

We don’t have a huge number of boards available to us in our shared cadet centre so we are selective about what goes up there.

There is one at the front door that we have seized (the other has been filled with all sorts of H&S by RFCA/ACF).
We covered this with blue cloth and have the sign-in clipboard here. It has the ATC indemnity letter, a childline poster, squadron org chart, our building RA and a note about putting out the bins.

In the parade hall we have out “operational” board - various ROs in clipboards down the right edge and clipboards for event sign-up sheets along the bottom edge. The board itself has.
[li]Training Programme[/li]
[li]Flights List[/li]
[li]Info posters about Cmdt AC and Reg Cmdt[/li]
[li]Squadron standing orders[/li]
[li]Poster: orders of dress, Brassard example, another org chart, Daily routine[/li]
[li]Whatever relevant but transient notice we have is pinned to the spare space.[/li]

If you look at the ACC Drive section of the website, there are some posters which you might find useful. We have an A3 printer at the unit so have printed lots of them off on A3, but they work just as well on A4. You can access them here:

I have a large noticeboard, split into three, on one side we have ‘training and upcoming activities’. In the middle we have an inter-flight competition board and on the right we have an ‘administration’ board with important notices, standing orders etc…

In other rooms I have a display about First aid with some first aid box items attached and some questions for the cadets to have a go at answering, one about map reading with a compass to practice with and print out of maps and another all about field-craft with a camo net and some photos from the activities we have done.

We also have a large board with all the activities that the cadets can complete with an indicative age on when they can complete them.
I would recommended getting some good backing paper, and using a staple gun to put the things you want to stay up for a while. It looks more professional. Large craft shops normally sell large rolls of paper and ribbon for the edges…

If anyone would like any of the other files to print off and use on their unit, send me a pm and i’ll send them to you!





I have to say, tkg this is just outstanding.

I would love to adopt and adapt much of what you have here.

[U]However[/U] I suffer from a common difficulty- shared accomodation. The walls of our Combined Cadet Centre belong to all and none of the Cadet Forces accomodated within. The similarly-shared noticeboards give very little surface area for posters.

Anyone any bright ideas as to how to cope with this?


Not sure how much storage space you have in your combined cadet centre Wilf. Could you just hang your own notice boards over the top of the shared ones when you are parading?

Something like this and add some hooks to it?

Depends on your feelings about security of devices and stuff, but a friend of mine has a “digital noticeboard” - essentially a tablet which scrolls through event photos, details of up and coming activities and “useful cadet stuff” as a series of slides. He hangs it on the wall each evening and takes it in at the end, but it seems to work very well for his needs.

Thanks everyone for the ideas, lots to consider and to think about what to put on each notice board.

We have a shared building too but these are “our” boards :slight_smile: We leave the ACF boards well alone, so hoping they’ll return the favour.

tkg - your boards are amazing, I will certainly be borrowing some of your ideas, I particularly like the “what can I do”, are you amending it to take into consideration the 12 year olds?

[quote=“tkg” post=25488]If anyone would like any of the other files to print off and use on their unit, send me a pm and i’ll send them to you!





You have to be a teacher!

Ofsted would be proud!

[quote=“tkg” post=25488]I


Just one thing, QAIC is open to cadets from the age of 16 your board implies 17. Really love the idea though.

Thanks everyone!
I will add some more things to the ACC Drive for people to access if they want it soon.

And yes, I am a teacher! :slight_smile:

I am shocked :woohoo: :woohoo:

Yes please; on the hunt for some posters for the new Sqn!

It looks excellent for open / intake evenings, but do cadets once in and beyond a few months actually look at it?
It would be a superb “advertising hoarding” in a library or similar.
Nowhere near the same scale but we have posters and similar information some of which is moved and or updated regularly and I know from experience of asking, the cadets don’t take the slightest notice.

We have noticeboards at work with things on and even sitting here now I would be hard pressed to say what was there other than some H&S and company BS because I don’t look at it and asking around the office we’re all the same.

You’ve actually used a positive sentence in that post. I’m going to cherish it :-p

[quote=“glass half empty 2” post=25511]It looks excellent for open / intake evenings, but do cadets once in and beyond a few months actually look at it?
It would be a superb “advertising hoarding” in a library or similar.
Nowhere near the same scale but we have posters and similar information some of which is moved and or updated regularly and I know from experience of asking, the cadets don’t take the slightest notice.

We have noticeboards at work with things on and even sitting here now I would be hard pressed to say what was there other than some H&S and company BS because I don’t look at it and asking around the office we’re all the same.[/quote]

We do remind cadets to look at it if they want to do something, but I see your point.

We have displays like this to make the unit generally look more appealing to prospective cadets and those who are already there. We are in a spooner hut and quite frankly lots that i’ve visited are a mess, like mine was when I started as staff. If our RFCA are anything like ours they won’t even paint because of the cost so we’ve had to make the best of it that we can (covering the flaking paint!!). In conjunction with this we have bought/ been given lots of new furniture and have had a few low value minor new works done.
The cadets have updated many of the displays as a project aswell, it’s not just staff that have done them.

It seems to work, the unit looks more professional and we have a really good attendance and retention rate. I think that if the cadets have pride in their unit and feel that it is looked after then they’ll want to do better as a cadet and feel proud to be part of the squadron :slight_smile:


Can i ask a couple of questions about your fieldcraft board.
Where did you get your posters from? and what other bits do you have on there as i can seem to make them out from the photo.

Op Tac