Not Visited ACC for a While

Thought since theres a shiny new site (and I had an email to remind me that ACC existed) I would log in and say hi!

Now to see who from the original forum is still around :slight_smile:

I think DJ said that the bulk emails that’ve been sent-out to the mailing list was a bit of a surprise. He did say that it’s a good thing, espcially if it brings people back to the forum that’ve disappeared for a while.

I do remember you from the original forum (especially from the virtual pub ‘ACC Arms’) and you’ll possibly remember me, I dare say…the almost-ancient gasbag that I am!!


ps should have said that the likes of Hoots, BB, Daws and BillyBones have disappeared, but Gunner, Batfink, Incubus, Foley and JamesBlond are all still here or hereabouts…I think Mike_Whiskey’s away, and Walking Target walked a long time back

Yarp - I’m still here! Hello!!!

Will there be a new ACC Arms? Hope so… I could do with a drink…!

I am not an alcoholic, they go to meetings B)

Sounds like the “regulars” in ACC Arms have gone then… To be fair I lost interest ages ago, even before the original forum stopped working. Wonder how long this new-found enthusiasm will last…