with WW1 Commemorations coming up the FCO wants a form filled out and submitted… Travel Restriction basically
That’s certainly been the case for a long time. One can’t just turn up in a foreign country in uniform without appropriate authority.
France seem to be keener to deny the requests recently. Presumably they know something we don’t.
Ongoing security threat
Can’t you just fill out the form?
Its more a courtesy to the country being visited than a travel restriction, i.e. letting them know that somebody might be attending an event in their country wearing British military uniform. It also allows the thought police to let you know of poetential issues in the area to be visited.
Henry VIII will be turning in his grave.
H8’s French campaign was an ill-conceived, badly carried out flop. It was given nothing like the resources it needed, and, well, it was run by the ginger nut himself, despite him having no military training… Added to which, that last English possession in France was lost within a dozen years of his death. His legacy was one of failure to provide the resources or diplomatic cover to maintain the garrison and outlyer of Calais…
The last broadly serious English campaign in France was under Edward IV in 1475. It was a military washout for political reasons, but it depleted the French coffers for a decade in bribes to go home.
The last effective campaign in France was under John, duke of Bedford, brother of Henry V as lieutenant of France for Henry’s young son, Henry VI.
Slight thread drift…
not as simple as courtesy the Briefing note sates no wearing of uniform in France without diplomatic clearance
Given some of the horrendous forms currently in use with the MOD, the dipclear form seems quite straightforward and self explanatory. I really don’t see the problem here?
common sense common courtesy really!