Nijmegen badge

I completed Nijmegen this year, just wondering when I will be getting the badge. And weather I have to apply to my wing or core for it?


The best thing to do will be to hassle your team leader about it. It may also depend on whether you completed it as a BMC team or as a civilian team.

I have see this question a lot for BMC teams and I don’t know why - when we’ve had teams in the team leader gets the badges on completion of the march and hands them out there and then. Some teams hay hold onto them for some sort of PR purpose or may run away before they get the badges.

Somerset? I hope you weren’t one of mine, all of mine got theirs I thought…

Your Team Leader should have got them from OC Cadets on the Friday night. That’s the only way you can get them without him contacting oc cadet forces direct. That’s what I had to do last year when the team leader from the team I lent 3 cadets to forgot to get them from OC Cadets.