New Wedgwood Blue Shirts

This might have already been mentioned in a previous post.

Hi all,

I went to my local clothing stores today and picked up my initial kitting (finally) however, the shirts do not have pockets… they were ordered through the correct method, but they do not have the breast pockets.

Is this a new thing, if so, how does this work with current regs.

Sounds like the older pattern female shirts?

I don’t know about on here but this was covered in RAFAC Logs Update 06-24. SharePoint won’t let me share the link but searching by the name should be easy (I found it searching for “new shirts”).

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I somehow can’t seem to find it. 06/24 is showing me the changes to ACP18

Says men’s long/short sleeve

Thank you, I’ve finally found it.

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At least you got shirts, I had to private purchase when I went into uniform!

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To be fair, the pockets are rather pointless, considering you can’t really put anything in them!
And you can still use a lanyard if you do the old trick the girls had to do back in the day.

I always thought there should have been a No. 1 SD shirt without pockets (and with double cuffs), as wearing them under a jacket feels silly.

However, I did hope that one day we’d be wearing medal ribbons on No. 2 SD (like everyone else in the world does) and this feels less likely without pockets.

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There’s an older pattern of men’s shirt with only one, flat, left breast pocket, too. In fact they are rather better with no. 1s but sadly I no longer have any. Andy Turner wore one when inspecting our CCF a few years back and I was jealous he still had one (I think because he started in no. 1s then changed to 2A after the parade.)


I just bought a dress shirt in the same colour for wearing under 1s.


That makes total sense, given that No. 1 SD trousers and a No. 2 SD shirt, with braces, is already not a recognised form of dress. I’ve always been worried about what would happen if I’m told to take my jacket off and convert to an improvised No. 2 arrangement.

I suppose the answer to that would be to put a jumper on (simultaneously addressing the absence of epaulets and a belt, and the presence of braces).

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Nah, that’s the coward’s way out

The correct answer is slap on a chip hat, roll up the sleeves and crack out a pipe.


As much as I’d love to, such things are officers’ prerogatives. SNCOs have to set the standards by example.

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thats absolutely disgusting no volunteer should have to paybfor uniforms whatsoever.

Tell that to my parent station stores.

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Thats the new issue shirts, with no pockets.

You new here? The commissioned officers have always had to pay for replacement shirts. (Officially…)


The RAF weren’t issuing shirts when I had my initial kitting so I had to buy them myself.

That’s why a lot of senior officers have stable belt loops put on their number 1 trousers.

Enables them to throw the jacket on/off as required for formal stuff and not need braces.

Makes sense. Just need to have some trousers in rotation so the colours don’t fade too fast between trousers and jacket.