New Towns Taskforce

I’ve just learned of the New Towns Taskforce that was setup at the end of last year.

Who’s betting that we don’t have anyone at Region or HQ level looking at setting up new Sqn’s in these new towns?

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With what money. We cant afford even maintain our current estate :joy:


It may be an opportunity to get some money via S106 funding though…

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Forgive the pun, but new towns aren’t anything new. I assume we have sqns in Milton Keynes, Hemel Hempstead, Welwyn Garden City, etc, so wouldn’t the same natural expansion come with demand from any new, new towns?

This is very true. Milton Keynes was founded in the late 60’s/early 70’s but 2532 Sqn wasn’t formed till '97. I don’t know if that was part of some coordinated plan to establish a Sqn in the new town or just natural growth.

I can’t help but draw comparison to the Scouts who actively have Funded Growth Projects to support our shared vision of providing more opportunities for young people to get involved in Scouts. I’ve heard of Scouts (at whichever level) actively working with developers to ensure that new developments have a space for a scout hut.

Meanwhile all I ever hear from the ATC is units closing.


We dont do that anymore.

For a start… it would imply local sqns to those areas have surplus time and resources to help support.

When the fun stops… stop.

Wales only had two new towns, with one Newtown in Powys is more of an expanded settlements than a traditional new town. Both Cwmbran and Newtown have has had a Sqns for many years.

This is why I wonder if there’s any strategy at higher levels to support standing up new squadron’s in such new developments

If a development like this comes up locally to me before I find somewhere to move, I’d certainly be interested in moving if their affordable homes are actually that. And there will likely be other CFAV in my position. So looking to stand up new units could certainly be doable.

Getting in at the point of application is key though to have a designated space and also S106 funding for it.

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I don’t think we have a ‘development’ team at headquarters, or if we do I’ve not come across it.

I’m not sure if RFCA do. Maybe.

As the Scouts have found these things need money behind them. In their case this extends to paid leaders (called Development Team Leaders), at least until new groups are able to stand on their own feet.

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In all of the above, HH and WGC - Herts Wing and MK - TVW

I think the depressing fact is RAFAC is no longer looking to grow. We’re olin more of a ‘cost rationalisation’ phase of life. The equivalent of downsizing after the kids have left home.

What I have never understood is why CEP funding went to CCFs rather than existing community units or opening new community units. My unit has really struggled in the last few years, as the majority of our usual “feeder schools” have opened up CCFs. Why would cadets bother to go to ATC when they can just go to CCF?

The CEP has been leeching off our traditional recruitment base, and generally speaking delivering a worse quality cadet experience.

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Because they’re cheaper.
(This has been discussed elsewhere, but short reason is the school ends up picking up much of the cost, e.g. buildings)


So, they may want to open units in ‘new’ town developments, but close units in inner cities, doesn’t seem sensible, but there again Wings have been known not to support units for ‘political’ reasons and bad faith.

Still doesn’t justify building these units in areas where we already existed. They should have gone for ‘cadet deserts’ where they’d actually be introducing something new to the area.


IIRC - and I might be wrong - the money used for CEP (LIBOR?) was routed through Dept of Education not MOD so ended up in schools.

Not to say it couldn’t have been done otherwise but the then Govt wanted to promote the idea of CCF bolstering performance at school. And maybe the ‘optics’ were better than giving it to MOD.

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Again I think this is in another thread somewhere but our financial structure doesn’t really support growth.

If MOD funds (part of) what cadets do then more cadets equals more cost, or if budget is static, doing more with less.

There is no link between subs charged and the MOD grant that funds permanent staff, premises, IT, flying, OME and much more.

We’re not in the position of other youth organisations where if we recruit more members we (directly) have more income to support that growth.


Which happened where I live and there are no new towns.