New to civcom

I’m about to start as civilian committee member.
I was wondering if there any way to progress.
Ie education courses, development courses etc

As a CivCom member?
In short, no.

Yeah, at present no. However, Wg Cdr Matterface (the regular officer appointed to lead training transformation) is looking at adult training at the moment. I’m not sure if that includes Civ Coms, but it might be worth reaching out to her if you have ideas she might be able to use. Her email is on Bader.


We don’t have anything specific.

However local councils and local voluntary group bodies do run courses for trustees from time to time.

It’s worth looking at what is in your area.

There’s quite a few online courses too, I can’t vouch for them (especially the free ones) but NCVO runs one at relatively low cost:

It is not specific to RAFAC of course but your OC and chair should be able to fill in the gaps and give you access to the ACPs etc.

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