Hearing rumour that D&C Camp has been suspended due to the Amber heat warning - any truth, and if so is this a local decision by the Camp Comm or as directed by RAFACHQ?
If anyone in camp were to suffer from a heat injury this would be following the policy.
The activity is to be paused and a dynamic RA reviewed before the commander can resume activity.
The risk is increased once one person is suffering as there is then strain on the medical response and evidence of illness from the conditions/activity.
Ive asked my boots on the ground what the state of play is before we all jump to conclusions…
But to be fair screw doing loads of drill in this heat
*unless said activity is RIAT
So from the DS themselves to stop rumour mongering -
Training was suspended today in the afternoon until evening meal as it was very warm. Cadet were relaxed into forced rest. The evening is much cooler, so we are training until 1900hrs.
Lots of heat related meetings, and it is in conjunction with HQ RAFAC but the decisions are local and not HQAC driven.
My opinion - Basically, they are doing the right thing and not trying to kill one another but still making most of the event.
Sarcasm on
Health and safety takes the fun out of everything these days, back in my day a camp wasn’t successful without the odd death.
Sarcasm off
Sounds like the mad rush last month has seen lessons learned and staff upskilling and applying the policy in line with the training available on DLE.
Speaking to the med staff in previous years the D&C camp has gotten better in terms of H&S & this isn’t unusual for them (heat injury wise).
This sounds like identical management to what Halton are doing to RTS students this week aswell, solid decision making
I was there in 2018 and it was same story - work mornings and evenings and have the hottest part of the day off. I seem to recall the parade was cut back quite a bit but everyone still had a good time
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