New Smoking and Drinking Policy

He had better have the foresight to disable my Bader E-mail before he opens his trap!


What a dice rattler of a sector person. Non-Squadron night, no cadets present, the man/woman is a fool.


Iā€™ve no issue with a non-cadet night staff and CWC only BBQ with some beers. But calling it ā€œan alcohol fuelled BBQā€ is, frankly, asking for trouble.


The ā€˜Alcohol Fuelledā€™ comment is an extract of his e-mail. Not sure the baby Sqn Ldr realises in the CWC is a retired AVM and our secretary a serving RN Capt. May be a few shoots fired should he get too big for his boots.

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Have the email to the sector Cdr start ā€œDear Fg Off (acting Sqn Ldr)ā€¦.ā€ & finish ā€œAVM (substantive)ā€ :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


I think he has detected some moral and was tasked to remove it immediately


Was anyone there who doesnā€™t hold a CFAV or CWC role?

Yes? Then it wasnā€™t a staff meeting but just an event between friends. That some cadet business inevitably came up whilst people with the same shared hobby chatted is just incidental.

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As long as it was not on Sqn premisesā€¦

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@VirtualRealityTrooper was this BBQ at the Sqn? Or just a meet up of CWC and CFAV away from the unit?

At the home of the OC, no Cadets present. The reason being stated is that it was a meeting about RAFAC, it was arranged on Bader e-mails, no SMS was submitted, and alcohol was consumed.

I hope he and the WCO have spare time to run a Sqn, do the Adj job, prepare the training program and all the other Sqn duties.

Another nail in the coffin and chip off the Moral block.


So a pompous jumped up flying officer goes to someoneā€™s house, barges their way in and then makes demands of people at a private function. Where I live heā€™d be lucky not to wake up with a crowd round him/her or the police arresting them for a public order offence or aggravated trespass.


I know I may have asked this question a number of times before, but where does the ACO find these people?


How do they know about all of this?

Besides, you donā€™t need an SMS for a meeting, and with no cadets around alcohol isnā€™t banned.

I donā€™t understand their angle hereā€¦


Is there an underlying agenda here, maybe to merge or close the squadron and they are looking fur grounds to substantiate their actions or do they have an agenda against VRT?

How would they view a married CFAV couple having a drink and talking about RAFAC? Where do you draw the line if this sector commander is correct?

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Ahhh, right. Well, anyone who has an issue with this is seriously just trying to remove every last bit of morale possible. Youā€™d be allowed alcohol if it was a staff only event with SMS and on an RAF base. So who the hell things you canā€™t have some drinks at someoneā€™s house?!

Complete over reach in this case.


I wouldnā€™t even entertain a conversation with them if it was me.

I would as I have done in the past when someone in the organisation tried to interfere in my private life email someone 2 positions higher, point out that the organisation is trying to involve itself in my Article 8 right to a private life and that if they donā€™t cease immediately they can have my keys back.


So you decided to hold the meeting at home, in a relaxed social environment, rather than at the sqn?

The amount of staff meetings, post-staff meetings and pre-activity meets Iā€™ve had in a pubā€¦


RAFAC: Weā€™re poor. Stop claiming fuel/VA/accommodation etc

OC: Okay, lets do our staff meeting at mine with no claims/costs, and have a BBQ!

RAFAC: No, not like thatā€¦


I think thatā€™s being a little too cynical and joining a few too many imaginary dots even in this organisation.