New Smoking and Drinking Policy

Wonder though if it’s actually written into the statutes/school rules in either case or just a case of Urban Legend becoming reality.

So it would appear that generally most people have just chosen to ignore the ‘new’ alcohol rules?

I’ve seen many posts on SM since the introduction that very obviously show alcohol consumption at things like awards nights and dinners etc with cadets present. Ranging from guests obviously having a few, all the way to dining in nights with staff tables full of pint glasses, wine bottle coolers etc etc.

Given how often I’ve seen it, and the fact there has been no reminder for people not to do it, can we assume that there’s been a collective decision to ignore the rules?

I get there is a chance these could all be alcohol free. But from various things I’ve seen, the chances are slim.

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Been at a number of events where those things have been on the table and all have been alcohol free (don’t have the alcohol free red though it’s foul. Also anyone found a suitable alternative to port - perhaps some uni food scientists could come up with a synthetic port that tastes the same as part of their dissertation)

As dinners now need formal approval it’s a lot more accountable.

Re mixed events where there’s members of the public such as awards evening then common sense kicks in but I don’t think anyone is ignoring the rules.

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Was always a risk when you bring in poorly thought out policy.

I’m currently in the background of the organisation having had Baby Daws so not seen it up close.

But I know the Sector Commander made a point of reminding staff at Remembrance Sunday that they couldn’t have a beer in the legion afterwards, unsurprisingly we ended up the only staff from all the Organisations present who couldn’t have one.


We just used this… and kept the port for when the cadets had long left.


Premier league soft drink aswell

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Currently awaiting a telling off for having a staff meeting at a BBQ on Bank Holiday Monday. As it was BH it was as with all BH a Sqn shutdown so we decided to have an alcohol fuelled BBQ for Staff & Civv Comm meeting. Said OC has given eyes to an inbound Sector Commander visit about alcohol consumption when we should have been at Sqn and the meeting was in his opinion a RAFAC activity. Probably he’s upset he wasn’t invited. I await my say!

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Good use of resources / scheduling. If the Sector Cmdr gets the hump, tell him to take a one way walk down the nearest pier (I have an option nearby!)… :smiling_imp:


He had better have the foresight to disable my Bader E-mail before he opens his trap!


What a dice rattler of a sector person. Non-Squadron night, no cadets present, the man/woman is a fool.


I’ve no issue with a non-cadet night staff and CWC only BBQ with some beers. But calling it “an alcohol fuelled BBQ” is, frankly, asking for trouble.


The ‘Alcohol Fuelled’ comment is an extract of his e-mail. Not sure the baby Sqn Ldr realises in the CWC is a retired AVM and our secretary a serving RN Capt. May be a few shoots fired should he get too big for his boots.

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Have the email to the sector Cdr start “Dear Fg Off (acting Sqn Ldr)….” & finish “AVM (substantive)” :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


I think he has detected some moral and was tasked to remove it immediately


Was anyone there who doesn’t hold a CFAV or CWC role?

Yes? Then it wasn’t a staff meeting but just an event between friends. That some cadet business inevitably came up whilst people with the same shared hobby chatted is just incidental.

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As long as it was not on Sqn premises…

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@VirtualRealityTrooper was this BBQ at the Sqn? Or just a meet up of CWC and CFAV away from the unit?

At the home of the OC, no Cadets present. The reason being stated is that it was a meeting about RAFAC, it was arranged on Bader e-mails, no SMS was submitted, and alcohol was consumed.

I hope he and the WCO have spare time to run a Sqn, do the Adj job, prepare the training program and all the other Sqn duties.

Another nail in the coffin and chip off the Moral block.


So a pompous jumped up flying officer goes to someone’s house, barges their way in and then makes demands of people at a private function. Where I live he’d be lucky not to wake up with a crowd round him/her or the police arresting them for a public order offence or aggravated trespass.


I know I may have asked this question a number of times before, but where does the ACO find these people?