Hi all. The MSBN will be on the Shooting Portal and Teams tomorrow.
I’ll be happy to take questions / discuss / help in the Teams thread.
MSBNs aren’t really anything new; they’ve replaced SBNs (Shooting Briefing Notes), which have been around for years. Hopefully, between the email to RHQs, Rgnl ShOs, TSAs, RWOs and WHQs, with a request to forward to Wg ShOs and WWOs, the Shooting Portal, Teams, and Social Media at an appropriate time, everyone who needs the information will received it in a timely manner.
Respectfully, none of those are an IBN or an email/SharePoint announcement? Surely an announcement on SharePoint, or an announcement email is appropriate in these sort of cases. Why is there a need for each area of HQ to have their own distribution method? In this case relying on emails to distribute a MSBN.
I’m lucky that my OC Wing, and other WSOs are generally pretty good at distributing, but from what I’ve seen this is regularly not the case nation-wide. The ‘Audience’ of the MSBN at the top clearly states “All CFAVs”. We have the functionality to email every personal account in the org, why not use it?
Not surely at all. Not everyone checks the announcements or has notifications set for them. To suggest this is the solution is to pretend it is the single method of agreed distribution. Is it?
Or, are those involved doing their best to distribute widely, being considerate of informing the CoC and specialists first, whilst others take to bashing whilst they could be making a respectful request or suggestion. Surely the latter would be more productive.
Emails to all is a very dated form of communication. Fortunately, Outlook letting you split your inbox between focused and other is my friend when it comes to all the unnecessary emails we already get.
“Or an announcement email”. Probably more appropriate in this case. It reaches everyone.
My problem here is that there doesn’t seem to be any ‘single method of agreed distribution’. This is not a problem with you, or the MS team. This is a wider issue that we just seem to get haphazardly sent information in varying different ways, in varying different formats some appearing to be more successful than others at reaching a wider audience.
I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again. Put in a proper comms plan. And standardise our IBNs/MSBNs/LogsBNs etc. Move over to the DIN naming system, and then keep them all in one place. So it’ll be YYYYIBNXX-ZZZ-Name. Whereby YYYY is year, XX is category and ZZZ is the number. This is how the DINs are formatted and it means you can keep them all in once place, but still sort by category. For example “2024DIN09-001-The Coronation Medal 2023”. This is the first DIN in category 9 (Honours, Awards, Royal and Ceremonial Events) for 2024.
Currently it appears email is our preferred/proper way to distribute. Certainly seems to be the most effective at reaching, compared to uploading things to Sharepoint sites alone. Doing both is obviously best. Yes, you can pre-email it to SMEs, but when you want to distribute, use the announcements system. It works, and sends an email to everyone.
I agree, but it’s what we’ve got to work with. Sending an email to everyone is surely more effective than uploading something into a single Teams channel, or to a Sharepoint page? And I mean from the top to everyone, not via 6 steps on the way down that means it doesn’t get to some people. Again, doing all of the above is best, not just an email.
They shouldn’t go to your other inbox though? If I look at recent emails to by personal account, that were sent to everyone, they’re in my default, or ‘Focused’ bit. For example last week’s Weekly brief and the announcement about Bader database upgrades.
Er, how about primary comms first & foremost?? The Weekly Brief can’t possibly cover all topics.
The topic isn’t listed under RAFAC Announcements. If you knew it was under “MSBN” then you could search on Bader (surprisingly, the first hit). However, without that little bit of knowledge - good luck!