New RC South West (2019, Chalk in.)

We should all spam in to his mailbox asking for details on the job… :rofl::joy::rofl::joy::rofl::joy:

My first meeting with Gp Capt Cole, was him arguing for the sqn to keep something which benefitted the squadron, over disagreements from HQAC.

Sat down with sqn staff and looked at the pros and cons of the situation, and agreed that we should continue as normal, and he had our back.

Email landed a few hours later defining that support and to contact him if there was any issues.

Rather than finding why we shouldn’t, he was always there to find out how we could, and what he needed to do to help us do it.


Sounds like we need a lot of more “Coles” in the RC and even CAC positions!


Do you mean Rev Richard Coles. One time RAFAC padre and keyboard player of the communards.


Wonder why he quit?

He would be an ideal ambassador. Might be angood idea for hqac to have a padre ambassador. Help get padres engaging with every sqn.


Chief Padre of the RAFAC

He could sit on the command board.


Sadly, my first encounter was the opposite. On pitching a proposal to run an exercise with blank ammunition in the Wg for the first time, he said no and quoted rules that did not exist. I was not impressed

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what was his reaction when you questioned those rules?

Shame, as he was present on a Region exercise and was all for it.

Didn’t he visit Pagan and let it be renamed “Warrior” after a previous rebrand to “Wanderer”?


It went ahead eventually but I didn’t appreciate the on-the-spot making-up of BS. “I’ll go and have a think” would’ve been my preferred response. Making stuff up is poor and one of our organisation’s biggest weaknesses.


I think it was more than ‘let’ … more like ‘wtf is this wanderer BS?’ … but people closer to it may be able to correct me on that.

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Was deemed too “war-y” so changed for the second one to Wonderer…

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No, that’s the story I heard. I think you’re right.

Nah mate, made up rules are the best. They’re better than actual rules as you can just make them fit the situation as you go. It’s brilliant.

The next best thing is actually making the made up rules the actual rules, like SW does now.


Lets hope that the new incumbent remembers the definition of the word ‘volunteer’…jumping through hundreds of admin hoops is killing the ability to deliver 'the cadet experience".

Sorry Sqn, the OC cant play tonight as he’s up to his neck in Fire Systems management, and the Adj is busy preparing RA paperwork and Admin Orders for activities that my not get approved because of some BS that we are currently unaware of. Sgt, drill it is then…


29 posts were split to a new topic: Admin Orders/Instructions (New Template?)

Well, there’s a new one now…

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Just seen.

Interesting, but wish them luck.

Any more details publicly available?

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