Having sent of several FoI requests this week (Home Office stuff), I’m in the mood to fire something off about the VGS rank slides …
Anyone seen the RAFAC rank training cards? Apparently they’re playing card sized with image of rank/badge on one side and description on reverse. I’ve been asked by a cadet, who saw them on a recent NCO course, if we can get some; I’ve tried googling but can only find the actual badges (cadet direct, eBay etc).
Anybody with knowledge of where these can be bought from? It could be someone with a decent printer has self produced them so they’re not available to buy.
Sorry for hijacking an old thread and not being able to be more specific about the details.
I haven’t seen them but I just made my own using the Internet based images. It was easy enough to do and a fun quick exercise for first class training.
Same at @Valiant - images from Google (maybe the old Air Cadet Resources website) then laminated and away. We’ve done the same for MapSymbols from the OS website.
I think ive got a partial pile of them under the front seats of my car when i dropped them about a year ago