New PME Requirement

So IBN 028 is out. If your PME is late, you now have to make it later by going through Region. Not sure this is going to help or hinder.

Is this not once again shooting our selves in the foot. All were doing is adding another layer of admin. Wasting both the CFAVs time and the paid staffs time.

Also, why do we always decide to change PME requirements within a few weeks of remembrance? Always seems to be the end of October they decide to change the PME rules.

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Region will cull a certain amount and therefore the rush jobs will soon drop off.

The simple answer is of course… do your admin in a timely manner and this won’t matter.


Great. So no remembrance parade for you.
That’s going to look great in the eyes of the public.

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So… you didn’t know rememberance was coming to get your PME in time?

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Surely most units don’t need to a do a PME for Remembrance Day, given that mostly it is civic organised and we’re just invited. The local council will likely lead on it.


I dare say if a road’s closed then a PME will have been submitted well in advance

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I’ve often found that not to be the case. Ask most council level organisers if they’ve submitted a PME and they don’t normally seem to know what you’re on about. At least the case for the smaller parades.

Getting permission to close the road does not equal a PME.


Is that a terminological issue though? I find “have you made the police aware of this event and are they actively working with you on it” is likely to get a better answer


Agree entirely with that, but the 3 parades I’ve had knowledge of, the organisers don’t do anything with the police :man_shrugging:

It’s a little walk though town as far as they see it.

The police are usually in my local parade, so a PME seems a bit redundant.

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That’s always been my stance - if the local plod are supporting then no need for a PME.

Though I was always under the impression that PME is also only 50% the police notification, the other is RAF / MOD Sy.

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Considering some police forces require a different process this is probably sensible.

All it seems it rather than having one bid at RAF Police it’s now going to be region RHQ who at least will be more switched on & understanding.

Police don’t hear security responsibility for an event any way - that’s for the organisers.

The police just state they have no objections. & contact organisers if something pops up.

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To be fair this is one of the the things we should just scrap. The cadets aren’t military, the staff aren’t military - therefore it not a military event. No PME required.


The numbers parading can change the threat assessment hence why you need to ensure you are listed on the PME.


Yes. This year.

But we’ve previously been invited to events with less than 3 weeks notice.

There are also a sufficient number of other reasons why I may have not been able to submit in time.

Suggesting regions are intending to cull for lateness is the wrong attitude, IMHO.


I think it’s coming from the police side although apparently the rumour is that the RAF & RAf Police aren’t particularly popular with civvie police in terms of admin & paperwork & looking more to be slopey shoulders than properly risk assess.

So what’s the issue :man_shrugging:t2:

The three possible biggies a year will be ATC Sunday Parade, BoB Parade and Remembrance so the dates are known well in advance!!

The problem will be those who squadrons get invited to with late notice, but then it’s down to squadrons to know who these may be and talk in advance, explaining the issue :man_shrugging:t2:


  1. We never submit PMEs for Remembrance parades anyway, just a spreadsheet of locations.
  2. I have no way of knowing how many people will be on parade. This is why, if you want to do a PME, there should be ONE submitted by the event organiser who can ask all attending units for rough numbers.