New PAM 21-C

And if your SATT member doesn’t know that, I’m surprised!

And all official army publications sponsored for the LF Cadets Branch are available through the SO2 Publications at Frimley park (apparently, so the official catalogue of Army Pubs & Forms says).

A friendly shooting officer has uploaded a copy HERE

i’m sure he does. i think his point being, much like incubus, those of use used to using PAM 21-C for the WHT were raising the question which reached the Army…and see above for the story to continue.

[quote=“steve679” post=10785]he said that Sqns are unlikely to recieve a copy of either , as they are both readily available on Bader.
he went on to explain that it took some convincing to have the 25 copies SATTs are entitled to, after tehy (SATT) explained that they run “open book exams” as part of courses which woudl require a book…alternatives were to offer iPad style devices with the PAMs on![/quote]

And how does that work when you’re supposed to have a hard copy on the range…? Or can I requisition an iPad now? If so what’s is NSN?

Our friendly SATT member said we’ll “get it in due course”.

When I looked at PAM21 last, the requirement for a hard copy had been removed an an electronic copy was acceptable.

Would it be possible for you to quote where you were told this?

My understanding is a hard copy is required as I have been told on many occasions by pedantic SATT members.

As I’m sure you know - this is in the works. From what I hear, time is the limiting factor :slight_smile:

Would it be possible for you to quote where you were told this?

My understanding is a hard copy is required as I have been told on many occasions by pedantic SATT members.[/quote]

I’m fairly sure it was in PAM21. I’ll check next week at work.

Would it be possible for you to quote where you were told this?

My understanding is a hard copy is required as I have been told on many occasions by pedantic SATT members.[/quote]

I’m fairly sure it was in PAM21. I’ll check next week at work.[/quote]

I had a look through the new PAM21-C and there doesn’t appear to be a requirement to have it available on a range at all.

[quote=“Pam21C 2013”]0108. Safe Practice.
a. Pamphlet No. 21-C prescribes the rules and regulations for the planning, conduct and supervision of firing and training with Cadet WS and pyrotechnics that are necessary to achieve procedural safety. To ensure access and compliance. Conducting Officers are to have the necessary current Pamphlet No. 21-C reference material in their possession.[/quote]

I read that to say that they need access to Pam21C but it doesn’t appear to need to be the full book. It can be printed extracts (as mentioned elsewhere in the manual) or access to the manual electronically.

As if by magic, a Pam appeared!

Do you have a Pam for the No.8 though?

The lessons are in the old ACP18, on the uncontrolled documents site, along with a No.8 WHT.

Oh, and PAM21 is quite specific on the point that it can be a hard or electronic copy of PAM21 in the RCO/ECO possession.

So I would extend that to PAM21-C.

As if by magic, a Pam appeared![/quote]

…and then dissapeared just as rapidly. Along with the newly uploaded Pam 5C and Pam 21-C.
All three deleted today :?

They’ve been moved to a new folder called “ACO Shooting Documents” for reasons which escape me.

I constantly find myself struggling to come to terms with the lack of structure in this organization.
As someone with mild Asperger’s syndrome it does my frikkin’ head in!

now three weeks after the form has appeared on Sharepoint:

has anyone recieved formal notification of the changed PAM?

…three weeks later i’m still to see a memo/mail indicating the revised PAM/changes

Got a brand spanking new copy sat on my desk (it actually was dropped off a week ago).

Does that count as formal notification?