New Formation Patch (TRF)

We’re ‘One RAFAC’, that is part of the RAF ‘Whole Force’. I think that’s the current correct PR wording…


Judging from all the cadets at the National Muster without identifiers at all, I suspect any such date should be taken with a huge pinch of salt.

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Still doesn’t require a new one, either of the 2 staff ones would’ve done the job.


I think that speaks volumes about the supply chain.

Our WHQ has had no Cadet TRFs for about 5 years

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Without giving too much info (that i dont know if i can publically say)…thats been resolved with these new badges.


Wonder how many I’ll be given? When the current cadet TRF was introduced, I was given 20, against a total establishment of 61 and actual strength at the time around 55. I still have those 20.

And I wonder if anyone has told the Army, whose view has always been that CCF(RAF) officers should wear the purple CCF TRF instead…


In case anyone was wondering why it’s not clear if it applies to Officers, this is why:

I can hereby confirm, I’m not doing any sewing until this is clear. The Comms in this org is so poor, that someone needs to learn that poor messaging produces a result they don’t want. I can’t protest about other issues, but I can wear an old badge.


Yes. Like why was this originally a “RAFAC Logs Update”? Should have been an IBN. Took a while to find this document again as a spent ages looking through the IBN list thinking it was originally an IBN…


Received ours already, they look great. I have hidden them away though until the official date as I dont want to be re sewing them!!


This. The organisation’s comms are honking, and they need to learn.


Also, let’s not also forget that you should often wait at least 12 months for changes to bed into 1358.
Remember when we could wear berets in blues? Deliberate change of the regs, CAC telling people on social media it was legit, and yet, it went in the next update.
Thankfully I didn’t need to sew anything to change back, but it’s insane that it took over a year to change one line in a PDF that was supposedly an accident in the first place.


The new badge is a massive improvement over the old WO / SNCO one (whoever decided to use black images and text against a navy and maroon field either had vision so good if didn’t occur to them that others might not see it, or didn’t want them to be seen) and is more appropriate than CFAVs and particularly cadets wearing the RAF TRF, which I’m not sure is even legal in the case of cadets who — in certain circumstances — would have nothing on their uniform to distinguish them from serving personnel (who are considered legitimate targets under LOAC).

And CCF staff one!

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“i before e, except after c” :smiling_imp:


Standards… :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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Unless you leisurely deceive eight overweight heirs to forfeit their sovereign conciets, or when your foreign neighbour Keith receives eight counterfeit beige sleighs from feisty caffeinated weightlifters.

That rule is weird…


There are more words in the dictionary that don’t follow that rule than do.


Was anyone else out there wearing a diagonal TRF that means you would need to actually read the text after the first time you had seen it? (It was actually designed on this forum and used as it was a vast improvement over the original TRF design HQAC had come up with.

Whatever happened to one RAF all one big happy family?

The number of times people trot that line out, never known anyone actually substantiate the legal advice it’s based on. If the law of armed conflict really said cadets can’t wear a TRF then staff as civilians would fall foul of the same rules.

Expecting your Cadets to be doing annual Camp to Afghanistan are you? If Cadets run into people who are intent on killing RAF personnel those individuals aren’t going to stop and read a TRF and wouldn’t give a toss even if they did.

There is no REAL reason the entire RAFAC couldn’t have moved to the RAF TRF, instead we have at great expense (we never do anything cheaply) designed and rolled out a new TRF.

Deckchairs on the Titanic successfully rearranged.


Not me, I’m still VRT. I’ll continue to wear my RAF TRF.