Good advice but I have just spent two months and endless emails trying to get on a FAM PTT course to qualify to teach some flying sim/ground subjects and it looks like there’s no availability until much later In the year
I have made two proposals to teach other areas which basically seem to have foundered through lack of time
It all seems to be about drill, badges, drill, qualifications, drill, DoE and drill. I do not understand where the time is supposed to come from (for the cadets) to get involved in anything not in the core syllabus.
What you have (had?) here in me was an enthusiastic volunteer willing to learn and wanting to pass on my enthusiasm for all things aviation to the cadets. Yet from day 1 (the application process) I’ve found the whole thing like wading through treacle with your eyes shut
For example all the Airmanship or Pilot Nav coursework is now rattled off in an online course on a computer followed by an open book computer exam. Get it ticked off and that’s another tick in the First Class book. Is there any real knowledge or understanding gained? Not from where I’m standing no. Do the cadets want to explore the subjects in a bit more depth? No time because they’re onto the next badge or box to tick
I’m sorry this sounds so negative but I’ve tried I really have. Perhaps I’m just too old to deal with the glacial pace at which things happen. It’s not the existence of safeguards that concern me, it’s the fact that getting anything agreed or signed off has to go through so many levels and takes so long
Just looking at the cc list on emails is enough to give you palpitations. We shouldn’t need to cc that number of people just to order more paper clips
I’m clearly not cut out for this. I’m one of life’s do-ers. I understand the need for paperwork and organisation; my whole career in a safety critical industry was built around it but the Civil Aviation Authority appears as a shining example of an efficient low admin organisation when stood shoulder to shoulder with RAFAC
Were my expectations unrealistic? You judge: I expected to be teaching flying related ground subjects. I was told there was a need for this. I also thought there would be space to discuss subjects such as “Better decision making”, “additional leadership skills” “why accidents happen” and so on but the feeling seems that there’s no time and cadets don’t want it as it doesn’t lead to a badge
Writing all this out is cathartic and clarifies my thinking. I’ll try again but I’m beginning to think I’m done