New cadet form list

Hi im just printing out all forms needed for new cadets when they join to be giving if anyone can help with which form numbers please.
So i have the 3822A and the 3822H also the standing orders.

Do you have your sqns local gift aid form & the standing order form for subs.

I just give the parents the RAF Air Cadets Consent Certificate (F3822A) We dont ask for subs for the first month or so to make sure they want to stay. Then we send the cadet home with the direct debit account for subs.

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We also add a measurement form (for uniform), and a copy of the Safeguarding booklet…

Don’t print out the 3822As and Hs. It means you’ve got to scan them back in again, and also try to decipher handwriting. I print out a half page thing with 2 QR codes on linking to the forms, with details of how to fill out and then an email address to send the filled out forms too. They were digitised for a reason!


If this is the first time you have done this, just ask your adj or CO what happened last time in case there’s a local process or form that needs completing.

Every Sqn does it slightly different to adjust for local resources.

We’ve had mixed results with parents filling out the PDFs, so have reverted to paper. We do have to supply blank copies for parents without a printer!

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whats the uniform measurement form number on sharepoint?

I don’t think that there is an official form. All the Sqns which I have been on have a locally put together sheet listing measuring points, e.g. leg, waist etc.

The kit section of the My RAF app may provide a useful template.

Edit: I take that back. It shows straight lines across the head, chest, waist, hips, etc. We all know what that might lead to.

A quick search on Sharepoint brings up a good example.

(I’d ignore the deposit bit though. Not entirely sure we are actually allowed to be doing that…)

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I have also heard sqns can’t charge a deposit for uniform provided by the Crown, but many do charge a ‘joining fee’ or a deposit on locally provided items (shoes, greens, polo shirts, etc.)

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