New Bronze ATP Ground Based Training Equipment Syllabus

My problem with sims is always… how can you look over your shoulder for the (wrong end) threshold at the start of the downwind leg when you’ve a tiny field of view forward?


Not everyone has the space

But isn’t this meant to be taught at dedicated centres, not on squadron?

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I’m familiar with VGSs, but what is an AGS? At first i was thinking ‘approved gliding school’ (like Tayside but gliders), but that doesn’t work in the context of the latest replies.

I can’t remember what it stands for “aerospace something”? , it’s basically a synthetic only training venue. (As opposed to a VGS which has both synthetic and real training).

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AGS = Aviation Ground School

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This. Basically a VGS without planes.

Thanks all. I had no idea such things existed.

Welcome to RAFAC

I was expecting a ‘Mum can we get X. No, we have X at home’ meme, but this good too :rofl:


Like this:


I’m on my phone so that’s the best I can do :sweat_smile:


You’d think, but the A is apparently for Astra :man_shrugging:

Okay, I looked into this.

I don’t think anyone actually knows what it means…

This document refers to “Astra Ground Schools”

663 AGS refer to themselves as “Aerospace Ground School”

631 AGS refer to themselves as “Aviation Ground School”

P&C Wing refer to them as “Air Ground Schools”

Searching Sharepoint gives examples of all of them being used. For some reason I find this hilarious :rofl:

Please excuse the poor screenshot.

So this shows doing Bronze, with a simple joystick and laptop…

To be fair, if this means we can deliver it on squadron without spending £1000s then happy days! If the focus is on good knowledge, rather than it just feeling like you’re flying a real aircraft.

I do maybe think though that the wings/badge side of things should be split between synthetic and actual flying.

The current problem as it’s being viewed is not enough flying badges. The solution is to get more flying. What they seem to be doing instead is creating new ways of getting said badge. It doesn’t solve the core problem.


It’s the equivalent of changing the criteria used to assess unemployment so you can say that unemployment has reduced…

Well, that reversed.

“Not enough badges = change how they get the badge”.

I’m all for set progression in theory knowledge in a synthetic environment, but not as a replacement for time in the air. It should either be badged/recorded independently OR tied together.

Option 1:
Keep blue as some ground training and first flight. Bronze and Silver for theory knowledge, gold for a full set of cpd flights that incorporate the bronze and silver theory. Then a scholarship tier on top accounting for solo or non solo.

Option 2:
Blue = GS plus flight
Bronze = GS plus flight
Silver = GS plus flight
Gold = scholarship with tiers for solo or not

Of course, option 2 not being viable is why we’re having this discussion…

the move to “theory” understanding is like shooting becoming:
Blue Marksman badge being able to identify the four Marksmanship principles
Bronze Marksman badge being able to list the 9 point checklist for forming a position
Silver Marksman badge Firing a weapon
Gold Marksman badge hitting the target in a suitably small grouping


Don’t give them ideas!!