New Badges

What are your thoughts on the new badges!?
I’m not a fan…:triumph:

Do you have any information on the new badges, and the Cadet Progressive Syllabus of Training that they represent progression through?

Until we have the information on the requirements for the different levels and for what the badges are awarded for , I relay struggle to form an opinion.

I think they are excellent for Radio as the previous syllabus was difficult to deliver and subsequently achieve. I can also see benefit to the Pre DofE badge, as it will engage our cadets too young to commence Bronze and may encourage them to continue and progress onto the other levels.

I am loosely aware of the new progressive L98A2 (Full Bore Service Rifle) syllabus that along with the new practices for the other weapon systems gives shooting the shake up it has long needed to encourage continued progression rather than just shooting the current Wing/Region practice which had the same conditions at a short range with different standards. Hardly the sort of stuff that can inspire our cadets once they have archived.

There’s already a thread for this, so locked this one.