Nco run parade night ideas

Hi all, I am a recently promoted sgt and have just been asked to run a parade night on teams. We have previously done lessons, quizzes, ‘my journey in cadets’ and game shows. I want to make something enjoyable for the cadets even though we only get about 10 logging on.
Any ideas?

I usually go with a cadet-themed game of (online pictionary) using custom words like ranks, drill commands etc. It’s very fun, even my staff enjoy it

Checkout the below comment from a couple of years ago. A lot of good ideas for during non-covid times. However a lot of these ideas can be adjusted to work over teams! (click on it and it should take you to the whole comment)

I’ve just looked at this, would they need 2 devices or can you stay in the teams call while joining the game?
Also how do I make it only use my custom words?

Thats a perfect list, thankyou!

Thank @Batfink! I just do the linking… :slight_smile:

As long as the device is capable, there’s no reason they couldn’t have the Teams call on one tab of the Web App and Skribbl in another.

When you create your lobby, put your words in the custom words box and tick the checkbox that says “use only custom words” or whatever it says.

It’s good fun. We’ve done it in the past, as well as Among Us, but that was a bit more involved in the the set-up department.

Anything you can do online that doesn’t require a sign up/email address/purchase/etc is fair game. But you need to think about how many you’re going to get on your call (e.g. AU is max 10 in a lobby and Skribbl is max 12 - not forgetting you need to account for staff involvement). If you get more than that how are you going to manage them (hence the tricky set up of AU, but some of that was due to personal choices).

Even better if you can sell it as something skill/cadet related (AU = teamwork and comms, Skribbl = comms and relevant revision of terms, etc).

We did a virtual escape room last night from Durham escape rooms, they have a free one for not for profit organisations.

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@Baldrick Looks interesting. Did you donate and how many cadets would it work with?

It would work with more than we had, which was about 10, but only like three actually spoke.

Thanks for the link, we may have to try it😁

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@Baldrick, Durham escape rooms are looking to charge us to use Mr. X.

Did you have to mention anything specific to get it for free - (not to say we wouldn’t be opposed to making a donation)

I just put in my air cadets email when I signed in. Haven’t heard anything my end. I thought the website said it was free for non-commercial use?

I’ll have to ask from the training officer account instead.
