NCO Development plan

Morning all.
Does anyone have an NCO development plan. There are a few NCO’s on my sqn that are under performing and I need something in writing to measure their performance against to either raise the standards or if necessary be used as part of evidence to demote.

[quote=“gem101” post=18743]Morning all.
Does anyone have an NCO development plan. There are a few NCO’s on my sqn that are under performing and I need something in writing to measure their performance against to either raise the standards or if necessary be used as part of evidence to demote.
This was never designed for gathering evidence to demote, but more for self-evaluation:

At the moment I am assessing my NCOs every three months using a checklist that comes under five main headings of appearance, motivation, expression, motivation, drill and bearing. Depending on what they are like in each category, they get a score of between 1 and 5, with 5 being the best. There’s also an ‘additional comments’ box with space to write in anything else you think is needed. The form is then signed by both the NCO and the SWO to say they agree.

I am looking to develop this further and introduce some other assessments but am unfortunately time poor at the moment.

However, if you want a copy of the checklist, feel free to PM me.