Name tapes on MTP?

I came across a few pictures of people in the raf wearing their name on their mtp uniforms. Similar to how the navy has surnames on their fours. They looked like the image attached and I was wondering if cadets are permitted to privately purchase and sew them on to their uniform?
Many thanks

Screenshot 2024-09-08 111816





Extract from Uniform & Dress Regs ACP1365:

  1. RAFAC personnel are to wear name badges only when attending courses held at the Command & Leadership School at RAFC Cranwell and other recognised training courses that require student’s recognition by staff and only worn for duration of the Course. The badge is to be worn centrally above the right breast pocket of the shirt or horizontally 2.5 cm just below the right shoulder pad of the jersey. Name badges of any description are not to be worn on CS95/PCS-MTP.
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Except on certain courses and other outliers where it somehow is allowed, sometimes with tape and pen.

Where I have seen name tapes ‘in the wild’ the text has been a light tan colour over an MTP background (i.e. the same colours as subdued rank slides and flying badges), rather than the old black on (dark) olive green (as opposed the the light olive included in the new colour scheme).

What’s the reason for the “no”?

ACP 1358 says so.
No idea why, but that is what has been decreed.

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It’s always a stupid ban. Which is why it gets flouted with such regularity. Stupid rules get ignored.

Name tapes at JL were vital to assessment, once everyone is in cam paint, helmet, warm gear and a bit of mud, they all start to look the same. It was difficult enough to assess the 10 cadets in my own section that I’d been instructing all year around, as even I was struggling to tell them apart. But for part-time instructors, or even at field assessment where we deliberately assigned assessors to sections they had not instructed, it was nigh on impossible!


It make sense for courses.

It doesn’t make sense as standard issue due to the expense wasted due to the high turn over on cadets.

It’s also a safe guarding issue particularly if you have looked after children as it make it easier for the cadet to be identified.

Would make sense for uniform CFAVs though (which makes easier for the cadets to identify someone) & the turn over expense issue isn’t as bad.


In which case the absolute nature of the ban is stupid. Just give it that caveat.


If you have looked after children they generally aren’t allowed to be in photos and if someone sees them face to face they fact they know them will be more of a risk than a name badge.

There is a theme here.


Personally, I wouldn’t have any kids wearing name tapes in any environment where other people are - a bit of cloth tape with the name written on is fine for courses and the like.

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Conversely, I think they would be useful for staff, epsecially as we are not hosting much bigger camps than in the past.When you had 5/6 staff on an annual camp, granted it wasn’t really required, but now when you have 50-60 staff members it would be very useful.

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Just having a think….

Could this actually be enforced?

If someone doesn’t want their name displayed is there any right to mandate people to do so.