MTP 23

I wear the aircrew variant smock with cuffs tagged on as well. Nice bit of kit.


Those are the mk2

I have one (found it at a show brand new in packet for £20). But I wear it mostly ‘in barracks’ as I also have a well worn, faded and therefore ally mk1 for fieldcraft and the ranges.

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Goretex lined.

Great bit of kit but quite heavy and hard to find so not cheap.

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It’s not, amongst Nations with similar items of uniform leave it untucked and and treat it how the label says they should.

Oh when I leave my Sqn I’m buying them a Mk 2 to go back into stores

I’m keeping my busted 2nd hand one as long as possible :rofl:

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Aye, I’m CFAV so don’t have to hand mine back, but I’m hoping it will have a long and fulfilling life post retirement on walks out on the hills.

Had mine for 6 years now, still a cadet and its staying with me lol

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Is nonsense. If it was a jacket, we wouldn’t wear a ‘field jacket’ (what the label in the smock says) or MVP (goretex) jacket, or a jumper, over the top of it, would we?

Edit to add: Anyway, with the shirt untucked, no one would be able to see the lovely stable belts we’re all going to be issued and would therefore mistake us for soldiers.

grrrrrr you really know how to exploit my taste in the shiny and colourful

but in all seriousness,

Layers are Friends

I’ve only seen that done with Barrack shirts
I do know there was a period where the Army didn’t issue them for a while forcing poor sods to put their clothes on the wrong way round :wink:

Guess what the label says in ‘barrack shirts’?

Mine says Shirt :man_shrugging:
. * .
not a jacket

Well, the original pre-PCS ones (such as mine) were CS95 combat ‘jackets’ in MTP (but we all knew them as shirts: just like we call ‘field jackets’ smocks and ‘jerseys heavy wool’ jumpers).

can I start wearing my barrack shirt untucked then?

I’m being facetious obviously, but the PCS kit looks smarter untucked, no horrible folds in the back
and yes that means sacrificing our precious chrome buckles :cry:, but theyre a camp item anyway, keep it for the camp equipment, blues and Barrack shirts

Or for something a tad classier we could follow the Foot Guard’s lead :wink:

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That type of thing isn’t unique to the guards.

Back in the ‘90s (before GPJs) it used to be common practise to wear a combat jacket over the No. 2 working blue uniform.

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Get WOs Subramaniam and Hall in here right this instant

We’ve covered the vagaries of CS95, battle dress and stable belts before I’m sure :grinning:

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Very 1980s

The shot of the rear / waist of the trousers looks a bit “PVC tight”.

I’m sure that’s just the lighting.

God I hope so

I’ve already broken one pair of combats by squatting to quick, that would make it a regular occurrence

There is a greater array of sizes, which is good. Our CAA has begged us to not order the 150cm shirts though, as apparently they cost £80 each. Obviously whoever negotiated the contract for that is a complete idiot.

Can confirm the trousers are a downgrade in the pockets department. The weird elastic on the leg pockets looks naff and the button has been made smaller, meaning of you’re wearing gloves it’s hard to open.
The hip pockets being made jeans style is irritating too. Revenge of the RSM for the fleecy smock pocket?

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