Moving squadrons

How do I move squadrons since I have to because my days will clash with other clubs so I need to swap squadrons to one which doesn’t

Speak to your sqn OC.

They can do a transfer on the system.

They can also make contact with the gaining sqn.

Ok thanks but I’m not sure if my oc would accept this as a reason so is it a acceptable one

Your OC shouldn’t really be in a position to say no. Be honest to them about your reasoning and explain your other commitments and it shouldn’t be an issue at all.

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If any OC says no then they’re in the wrong organisation. It is all about the cadets, not the numbers.


Ultimately it is up to you what squadron you go to I am sure that if you explain the reasons your OC would be very helpful.

I’m not sure they’ve got a choice - they lose you whether you transfer or leave…

…and if you leave, you can always rejoin and your profile and achievement history will still be available :wink:

What would happen after I have been approved to transfer

Everything on your cadet record is moved to your new unit as soon as your old OC clicks the transfer button.

You should have hopefully agreed a date for you to start at the unit and just turn up to the new place on that parade night. It might be helpful to have a chat with your new OC prior to this just so they can get to know a bit more about you and so you can manage what expectations the new unit has. Otherwise it is business as usual.