
We have a cadet who’s just joined who’s sporting an attempt at a moustache. Frankly, I know what he’s going through because I can’t grow one either but it does look a bit ridiculous.

My query is, I remember reading somewhere once that there was a time limit on attempts to grow a mo, and if it wasn’t up to scratch by a certain date you had to give it up and wait a certain amount of time before trying again. Is this something that actually exists or am I making it up?

I’m trying to discover what, if anything, we can do about it, as my Sgt ATC is a bit peeved by it.

I’ve heard tell of a person having a period to grow a moustache and if it wasn’t luxuriant by the end of that time it had to come off.

I’ve seen nothing in any of the regs I have access to (it may be from QRs) and so long as the tache complies with AP1358C let the lad (I assume it is a lad) wear the thing.

Oh, and ALL moustaches look ridiculous.

Don’t the rules just say ‘no walruses and no Hitlers’.

I remember reading about how the current Army (and by extension RAF) regulations on moustaches came about during the First World War: before the war, QRs stated that soldier’s upper lips were to remain unshaven, but during the war lots of non-professionals refused to abide by this (including one pre-war actor who took it almost as far a Court Martial, claiming that if he grew a moustache, then had to shave it off after the war ended, he would get a rash and find it impossible to get work) and eventually some anonymous staff type changed QRs to say that the upper lip ‘may’ remain unshaven rather than ‘must’ while nobody was paying attention.

I think it was in ‘Tommy’ by Richard Holmes.

From memory, The 'tache has to cover the entire upper lip, no handlebars or trying to join it to the sideburns.

the period in which to grow it is 2 weeks from memory.

I don’t remember reading anywhere that cadets are allowed to have them though except for religious reasons.

Staff had to have written permission from the OC to grow one in the first place as well from memory.


I disagree.

Ex-bb, Sadly, AP1358C says they can wear them. I’m going to check ACP19, see if that said it.

I also thought that moustaches, if worn, must cover the entire upper lip (no Hitler / Dick Dastardly / Poirot) and must not extend below the corners of the mouth (no walruses). Handlebars would comply with that (as long as they don’t droop) thus their (perceived) popularity in the male RAF officer / pilot stereotype.

However, AP1358C states:
0148. Moustaches. If a moustache is worn, the upper lip is to be unshaven and the moustache is not to extend below the edge of the mouth.

I don’t see anything to say that only applies to adults (or only applies to cadets).

Mate you’ve got issues… sort it out.

The problem is a question of density, he’s certainly not shaved his upper lip, but that doesn’t quite mean he’s covered it either…

It’s clear in AP1358c he is allowed and no timescales

[quote=“tango_lima” post=7581]Don’t the rules just say ‘no walruses and no Hitlers’.

I remember reading about how the current Army (and by extension RAF) regulations on moustaches came about during the First World War: before the war, QRs stated that soldier’s upper lips were to remain unshaven, but during the war lots of non-professionals refused to abide by this (including one pre-war actor who took it almost as far a Court Martial, claiming that if he grew a moustache, then had to shave it off after the war ended, he would get a rash and find it impossible to get work) and eventually some anonymous staff type changed QRs to say that the upper lip ‘may’ remain unshaven rather than ‘must’ while nobody was paying attention.

I think it was in ‘Tommy’ by Richard Holmes.[/quote]

Yes, King’s Regulations (and QRs in Victoria’s time) only permitted moustaches and beards for certain regiments, corps, trades and services (and often varying regulations by rank within those groups). E.g. Beards for Pioneers and Royal Navy Ratings and moustaches for certain cavalry regiments.

I always used to remember such prejudice towards the faithful lip-friend, only in November could you remotely get away with it (and as soon as December 1st came around - gone it must be!).

And many people keep floating around these time periods for growth or gone, I have yet seen nothing in writing (as I expect there is nothing in writing).

I say let this cadet have their mous (unless of course its a girl).

If it looks like a moustache then it’s legit. If it looks like a child trying to grow a moustache and obviously failing (because it’s all filthly looking bumfluff) then tell him to get it shaved. These sort of things are a judgement call.

And what about moustaches on the women folk? I once served alongside a female officer that would have put Stalin to shame!

I’m sure its 2 weeks in QRs. Might check on monday. Obvs that is irrelevant for your kids.

In the absence of anything directly cadet related it would be persuasive,

Perhaps our attentions should be directed at providing the cadet experience to this young chap instead of alienating him and making him look like a fool in front of his peers. He can do that himself without our intervention.

Fixed that for you…

There are a few anomolies in the Army like ‘Pioneer Sergeants’ who can sport a full set

Don’t the Farriers (the guys with the ceremonial axes) get to as well?