MOI Ideas


Ive recently done my Presentation Skills course, and I’m looking for ideas for my assessment presentation. Has anyone got and good ones / had any good ones?

Thanks in advance,

Any first class topic. As you will most likely be teaching that on Sqn.

As above 1st Class stuff is easy to do or something you know inside and out that the observer and dummy class won’t potentially know about.
I sat in on a Staff P2 presentation by a lad who did Sealed Knot with his mum and dad. Fascinating and a shame it was only 5 minutes.

Going to go against the grain here and say something not in first class. Try and make it something semi-interesting that your audience don’t know much about. If you do something they know a lot about then they’ll either fall asleep and/or pick out silly mistakes you may have made.


I encourage my guys to do something not cadet related. Firstly it stretches them to present about something they may not be familiar about , secondly i find it a good tool to get to know something different about that cadet


I would say go with a non-Cadet activity that you are passionate about. It gives you the advantage of really knowing the subject and makes it more interesting for the assessor rather than the 14th presentation on how to polish a pair of shoes.

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As someone who has to sit through several of these presentations in a row to assess them I’d beg you to pick non cadet related which you are interested in. I’ve had some really interesting ones:
Introduction to logic
The MCC team of 1954(may not be the correct year)
Little known Fortnite hacks
The life of Thomas Parr
My Family

Nothing worse than sitting through 5 first class subject presentations on the trot.

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My go to topic has never been a cadet related subject. Either american football related or my go to is the maths behind retail. Really exciting stuff


Does anyone know where to get the presentation to take the moi, Im unable to find it on utilearn :slightly_smiling_face: - PS. Find one of your strong suits, What makes your squadron stand out and mix it with the blue syllabus training. if that’s coms or first aid, make it practical and give them an opportunity to enhance their knowledge within the specific topic as well.

It is “LMS.COURSE.138 - New MoI Course 2019” which is under RAFAC Staff Courses.

Thank you so much! I have to do it before the 7th so you’re a life saver!

Acto 22 states that MOI needs to be delivered by someone who has been authorised by OC wing so you cant just do it off your own back.

It should be delivered over a day at a minimum of Sqn level as it involved practical activities with other students.

Im in need of the presentation course, not the MOI. My wing is doing the MOI in a couple weeks, however I won’t be down in time for the presentation skills powerpoint and my oc said im able to do some self learning.

The presentation skills can be self taught. Not ideal though

Can it? I thought ACTO 10 said it had to be taught by someone delegated by the Squadron Commander?

Even if self taught it still needs assessing.

Ypu are right. Bit to be honest it’s real simple and yes there is assessment criteria