MOI course

I’ve just passed my presentation skills tonight and I’m struggling to think of a topic for my MOI. Does anyone have any tips or ideas I could have. Anything would be helpful.

Part of any first class subject?
Or something you’re really passionate/knowledgeable about.

I’ve seen:

  • An intro to 3D printing, including a short CAD exercise
  • Bits of history of flight
  • History of the RAF
  • A sequence of lessons on musical eras
  • Bits of the radio syllabus
  • Marksmanship Principles
  • Sections of Principles of Flight
  • How to change a bike tyre

The key is to make sure it’s a lesson, not a lecture, and keep it small enough to complete properly in the time you have.

Something you know very well. That said, I believe the MOI assessment isn’t a single lesson anymore and it’s several 45 minute lessons? The point being to replicate what you’d actually be teaching, so maybe your sqn can give you something?

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It depends on what your assessors are looking for. I know that a lot of the want you to talk about a subject you are interested and passionate about, others would prefer you to pick something RAFAC/RAF/Military related.

My assessors said they would prefer the latter so I’ve decided to do mine on the history and importance of uniform

This may change based on wing, for mine, its only a one 40 or so minute lesson. Although its recommended to take a few practice lessons before

It is a requirement to do 2 internal lessons (observed by Squadron staff) and the final one with an external assessor.

Of course more practice sessions can be done if needed.

I would avoid anything along the lines of ‘history of’ as they tend to end up as lectures - there is understandable confusion as the Presentation Skills course isn’t about teaching, but is a requirement for MOI which is!

Keep to a fairly simple topic, have a good lesson plan (and stick to it) and make sure the ‘students’ are involved and it will be fine.

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Make sure it can be engaging (theres a task for cadets), and make sure they engage with the lesson (ask them questions to assess understanding throughout).