Due to various recent events ACC is now looking for some new moderators.
If you would like to help keep this venerable forum in top condition and have a little time to devote to your fellow Air Cadet Organisation colleagues, why not throw your name in the hat?
There’s no real pre-requisite to becoming a mod, but some tech knowledge would be useful. It’s more keeping the tone right and making sure we all follow the AUP.
If you fancy joining our amazing mod team in keeping the site sane (well nearly) then either post below or send me a PM.
All applications will be considered, you even get a cool little badge on your profile pic!
I’ll happily volunteer. I know nothing whatsoever of the witchcraft that runs the Devil Box, and know I can be a bit rude - but failing miserably and publicly at stuff is something I’m used to, so it’s no drama…
I’m a senior mod on two other forums and I know just how time consuming it can be. Plus I often have to bite my tongue when dealing with those who post and ACC is the only place I can…unleash…my inner feelings.
So despite being on these boards since late-2005 and being in receipt of several warnings during that time, I won’t be applying .