If VA is linked to 12hours/month then this will discourage going over and above that – or at the very least see Staff availability drop off at the end of each month.
Consider the 28 days – how many people every year without fail reach their quota??
Very few as it takes some doing.
12hours/month is an easy target to reach if including parade nights.
ie it is easily achieved and doesn’t seem a chore.
If looking at only weekend events that is only two full days activity
the 28 days is a target very few actually reach but it isn’t a target to aim for, simply high enough to mean the majority of staff never reach it and thus can continue to claim throughout the year
Although we don’t (shouldn’t) be doing it for the money, it does offer a sweetner that a day on the range, or a day walk, perhaps something warmer like classroom based Cadet development like first aid or radio, offers some pocket money for the time put in– some of which people will put towards the family in compensation for not being around.
I know some CFAVs use their VA to go towards paying for the family holiday, or for Christmas, or for “date night” with their significant other, little incentive to do events falling at the end of the month if the 12hours have been clocked up early on and still get the same sweetner for the family or to go towards another hobby.
If all Staff had to do was turn up for 12hours/month for the same “reward” I am sure it would discourage some from coming out and playing on the weekend.
Bang on! And I have done the numbers to show it
if we assume there are ~10k volunteer Staff in the organisation (Taken from wikipedia* and 2017 MOD Stats), now consider for ease everyone of those 10,000 Staff gets the same “basic rate” £500 (ie the CI rate) = 10,000 x £500 = £5,million > this is the best case as it doesn’t take into account the increased rate for SNCOs or Officers at the suggested higher rates.
On the assumption that of those 10k Staff we have ~4000 in uniform Staff and for ease split it 50/50 between SNCOs and Officers
6000x CI @ £500 = £3million
2000x SNCOs @ £1000 = £2million
2000x Officers @ £1500 = £3million
= £7million total
Let us now consider the system we already have in place where we claim VA against each eligible day and it is split on rank (this discounts any CI population now)
Sticking with 40% are in uniform (for arguments sake)
Taking a wild stab in the dark at the distribution of those 4000 uniform Staff as follows
400x Sgts @ £60/day
800x FSs @ £65/day
900x WOs and Plt Offs @£75/day
750x Fg Offs @£77/day
1000x Flt Lts (on the assumption there is a Flt Lt at each unit) @£99/day
200x Sqn Ldrs (on the assumption each Wing has 6x Sqn Ldr WSOs) @£125/day
33x Wg Cdr (for each Wing) @ £175/day
(this equates to 5 uniformed Staff on Squadron, with a split of 3x SNCOs/2x Officers or 2x SNCOs/3x Officers which we all know is not close to the “average” Squadron – knowing full well the average unit does not have 5x Uniform Staff)
If everyone of those 4000 Staff claimed
7 days every year = £2.3 million
14 days every year = 4.6million
28 days every year = £9.2million
Based on these numbers if every uniformed staff member claimed half of what they are entitled to (14days) this would be ~a third annual bounty (65%)
14 days could be split out as a week’s camp(7), a weekend(2/3) away and a few days(4/5) elsewhere – not unrealistic for the average Staff member
(for those interested based on my numbers above it would require all 4000 Staff to claim 21 days (three weeks) VA to equal the annual bounty at the figures suggested.)
Now I have made some bold assumptions, namely that we have 4k Staff eligible to claim VA, the distribution of those Staff across the ranks, and that everyone claims the same number of eligible days, but even using these optimistic numbers, and simplified for easy maths a monthly allocation doesn’t add up.
Has anyone ever been bold enough to submit a FOI request for the VA bill across the RAFAC and ACF? With breakdowns between ATC and CCF and distribution between ranks?
Disclaimer – numbers are rounded to the nearest whole number or nearest 100 where appropriate
*interestingly the Wikipedia page is showing ATC and VRT ranks still……