MOD Form 134 - Official Secrets Act and Confidentiality Declaration


Just after a bit of a view on this. MOD Form 134 is the Official Secrets Act and Confidentiality Declaration which can be accessed at

Do RAFVR(T) officers still have to sign this form as part of their application for commission still? I vaguely remember signing one at some point but I can’t recollect if it was for RAFVR(T) or previous service.

I appreciate that there is a grey area about whether this applies to SNCOs(ATC)/CIs - we are instructed to brief them on the contents of this form all the same.

Is this covered by ACO regs?

Just looking for some thoughts and opinions :slight_smile:

I still had to sign it 15 months ago, so assume it’s still part of the process.

Having just returned to uniform I can confirm that you still have to sign MOD Form 134 Rev 04/08 … cos it’s sitting on my work desk right now…


I was about to say I’d be very surprised were it not to be a requirement, I had to sign mine on my first day of basic training. If only all security clearances involved one signature on a piece of paper…