Mandatory releasing Wing / Region Activities to all eligible cadets

I have to disagree with you there. If I’m going to let my cadets sign on an activity I need to know why it isn’t approved. Is it that is likely to be cancelled last minute when it’s not approved leading to disappointed cadets? Guess who will get it in the neck from parents in that situation. It won’t be the organisers.

Will they run it without approval as has happened with centrally run events before? I won’t touch one of those with a barge pole because I don’t know that due diligence has been done, yes I could trawl through the attachments and conduct my own assessment but then I’m risking liability and adding to my admin burden. And as I know of a CFAV who was stripped of his commission and post because he took cadets on an event which hadn’t been approved for his unit (but had for several others) I’m not taking that personal risk.

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Apologies, but the event I was talking about is not of @OldNewbies concern as to why it was not yet approved.

If a Sqn OC has concerns that’s understandable, and I would expect the OC to raise concerns with the Activity IC/CoC appropriately.

The idea that a squadron staff member could potentially choose to not allow their cadets to have the same opportunities and access to activities as other squadron’s, really upsets me… but more so that these Wing events are planned thoroghly with the safety of all cadets and staff at the forefront of the planning process and implementation.

Once submitted for approval, depending on the event, it may take time to approve. I understand squadrons frustrations, however once submitted there’s nothing we can do until the approval has been authorised or rejected.


Most large scale events are shared with units months out, far before you could reasonably expect them to be signed off, so surely you would be sharing them long before they would be signed off anyway.

Before we had Cadet Portal were Squadrons not advertising events that hadn’t yet been approved on SMS? In most cases were they even looking at SMS as they would just be going off of an email.

Once an event is marked as approved you can’t change the staffing, so if you are authorising it yourself why would you mark it as authorised when you would just need to revert it to draft again when the inevitable staff changes which will happen on a large activity take place.


Thank you OldNewbie - reading through all your comments, since I began this thread - you’ve given lots of pertinent reasons as to why events shouldn’t be automatically advertised - perfectly illustrating why some staff have problems authorising events to be released to their cadets.

I completely understand the notion that the Sqn OC feels the “ultimate burden of responsibility” relating to their cadets - after all, it’s you and your staff that will have to look parents on the eye in the event of an accident - you’re the ones explaining to cadets at the last minute why things have been cancelled - and, I don’t doubt, based on the length of service by most Commanding Officers and the breadth of experience you have, you’ve probably seen time and again, the writing on the wall with certain activities l, and immediately thought “well, that’s NEVER going to happen…!”

The viewpoint I was coming from, was when all the boxes HAVE been ticked, and the criteria laid down by HQAC has been met…. (In otherwords - everything HAS been done by the book), should it not then be automatically released.

As ever my one on hear, I was basing my comments on my experience - and wondered if failing to share Wing activity was a common practice.

My underlying principle is that as an organisation, we ought to be doing what we can to support everything going - as that way it encourages the activity organisers to offer more.

In my situation, our wing covers two very large counties in terms of area. Road connections aren’t particularly straightforward / quick. There’s certainly little in the way of public transport.

Even if the activity was held centrally, the directing staff would all be travelling at least an hour or more.

But, when an activity is being advertised and the location is virtually on your doorstep - as has been the case with several squadrons - that removes the argument for access…

It’s understandable, that an OC may say that they’ve asked their cadets - and no one’s interested - but asking at the end of a parade night, when peer pressure from others might dissuade - is different to releasing an activity and the cadet can work out for themselves, if they want to go.

With the amount of activity that goes on in the corps, there will always be plenty of occasions when parents are required to transport… but I think most parents would prefer being offered the opportunity to provide transport - rather than staff take the stance - it’s too far…

Ultimately, I can understand that based on peoples experience of how some events fail to deliver or get cancelled at the last minute, or undergo last minute changes, or simply don’t supply sufficient detail - then I can see why squadron commanders are reticent about automatic release…

I think there have been LOTS of positive comments to support a mechanism, whereby if these were included, staff would be more happy with the automated release.

Frankly, changes to BADER and CP are nowhere even close to my remit - but the explanations given by the respondents has certainly helped MY understanding!


No, because you still haven’t taken into account some of the local factors that can affect who may or may not be able to attend.

Plus, dont forget, our policy is that if you are not providing transport for your event, you are not required to Risk Assess it. It’s someone else’s problem.

Morally, and legally, I have an issue advertising an event if I dont think that MY cadets can access it safely. No one is better placed than me to judge that, which is why OCs should have the final say.

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Maybe we could discuss the matter of the topic, not your own personal issues?

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For me - the issue regarding releasing / withholding activities, was primarily centred on one particular activity.

But before asking the group, I asked within my own squadron… and got various comments etc, regarding the behaviour of other squadrons and the fact that there were several, well known to WHQ that would frequently fail to share.

When contacted directly, in an effort to establish dialogue, it was brushed off Along the lines of “don’t challenge me on what I feel is right for my cadets - and I’LL be the one who decides what they see” and some less polite comments.

In terms of which activities - and how “interesting / exciting” they were - and hence likelihood of interest to the cadets, appeared to make no difference.

When discussing the matter behind my Sqn / Wing, one of the more common reasons given was due to prioritisation by the OC - from choosing between which activities occurring on the same weekend to advertise as well as their own sense of due diligence, to wade through all the paperwork attached, to satisfy themselves of the event’s suitability, viability and safety.

This would lead to a bit of “favouritism” in favour of activities / commanders of which they know already - as a matter of simplicity.

The danger of this is the potential for lack of variety or innovation.

If we stick to just communicating with those closest, we run the risk of creating echo chambers

Obviously( this isn’t the place for trying to create change - but it should be the ideal forum to seek opinions beyond your own circle of friends / sphere of influence etc

For anyone trying to create change / improvement, this forum is a great place to get input across the board - albeit, only from those that are regular users of the forum - whom by nature may already be predisposed to one opinion or another…. But for someone squarely sat on the fence so hard, that I’m getting splinters… it’s an easy place to hold up a hand and ask a reasonable question - and get lots of reasonable / sensible questions.

(Thank you to everyone for not making silly remarks!)

RAFAC is a voluntary organisation and one that heavily relies on the goodwill, enthusiasm and sacrifice of its volunteers.
But it is also reliant on teamwork and cooperation between those volunteers.

I do think that it should be made even simpler yet for the volunteers to deliver activities.

I’ve tried making the point that there should be three standards applied to how an activity can be delivered:

Minimum Viable Product - what’s the least we can do, to ensure safe delivery

Acceptable Norm - probably how we’ve need doing things for donkeys years…

Ideal Standard - where we should be evolving the activity towards, to make it safer / better.

Countless risk assessments by thousands of volunteers across the country is a gross waste of time!

Far more suitable would be the creation of Safe Standards of Delivery. It may well be that a “one size fits all” policy doesn’t work 100% of the time, but with a simple checklist and sign off, you could easily forego an enormous tranche of unnecessary paperwork - and then show work around as / contingency plans for specific issues affecting the event.

I think it’s probably fair to say that the greatest admin burden is shouldered by squadron commanders - hence, let’s look at ways to make life easier for them!

That should then trickle down to their staff - and enable more time to be spent by all, delivering activities to cadets - which is what it’s all about!

If the role of Squadron OC is made simpler, we will get more staff being prepared to take on the role - with more candidates, there creates better options. / choices.

By making activities less admin burdensome, the activities become more pleasurable for those leading them.

This is preaching to the choir, I know - but, without discussing ideas in forums like this - the opportunity for creative solutions is limited to just those people that are approached by the Head Sheds!

Many thanks everyone for your input!


Whilst theoretically great, your issue is that the previous regional commandant in the South West created such a template. It was 11 pages long with no content (just headings). It included things like allocating helicopter landing sites. Unit provided mobile phones. Supposedly it was for anything happening in the SW, except of course anyone from other regions or other parts of the organisation who didn’t use it. It was littered with errors, misconceptions, unexplained jargon, military language and processes that have no place in a youth organisation and was received as well as a cup of cold sick. Throw in to that people trying to police it and force others to use it in areas outside their jurisdiction and outside their common sense and what you’ve got is a laughable “standard” that’s not being enforced.

The problem, is that with different levels of approval, different complexities of events and different types of personnel attending the idea of a standard is set by the person the most disconnected from reality, in this case the former regional commandant who doesn’t care one iota about cadets being active or doing anything, but how to absolve himself of any responsibility should the worst happen.

At the moment, the system isn’t perfect but I also wouldn’t say it’s broken. There are better methods around to deal with people not sharing things or who need attitude readjustment, the issue is we are scared of actually dealing with them because “what if they leave?”. The answer has always been “we’ll find someone else” but that fear is crippling us and allowing absolute muppets to remain in the organisation at all levels.


Damn, some.of these posts are essays…


Helps to distract me from my chores…!

Besides which, you should see some of the supporting info in my Admin Orders!

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Old system - Select nominees for summer camp (or other “fun” activity) based on attendance on parade nights, attendance at activities, smartness, maturity, demeanour and suitability. Bid for places in priority order.
New system - Share Summer Camp options as mandated. Little Jimmy, who is an absolute nuisance on Sqn, doesn’t do weekends, is rarely seen, is anti-social, puerile and looks like a bag of spanners, bids and is selected. Cue complaints and despondancy from other cadets (and their parents) who didn’t get selected.


Sqn Staff can bin cadets off the event too, doesn’t have to just be left to the event organiser :wink:

And create a massive industry and admin burden in the process… Great.


But only if you spot they’ve added themselves as without notifications it’s a right pain in the proverbial trawling through the events on SMS to see who added themselves in the last x hours/days since you last checked.


very true

Activity Commanders “should” be including Sqn Staff in the selection process, we certainly are going to be locally, should we be oversubscribed


This, of course, presumes that sqn staff are aware of each and every event that each and every one of their cadets has put their name down for. It would help if the system notified sqn staff when a cadet bids, but there again that would increase the already high number of emails. By the time the complaints were received the cadet in question had already been notified that he had been selected.

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Once a week for Training Officer or whoever to do a scan through the lifst of invited events. SMS already notifies you if you have cadets/staff attending the event.

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I wish this button/notification existed in the list view too! Also a filter option of ‘have attendees from your unit’ would help with this too.


Not very helpful when you have lots of things with sub -apps too, though.

I did a count, currently we have 53 apps live. That’s far too many to check individually every week.

Don’t forget, the whole point of SMS was the reduce the admin burden, not increase it.