Mandatory releasing Wing / Region Activities to all eligible cadets

Your polite suggestions hit the nail on the head

This 100 times, although sometimes they never change from the description just being a repeat of the title

Forgive the lack of forum etiquette and not quoting the actual comments - but.

In response to the comment that the OP was suggesting that all Wing / Region led activities - I actually asked “SHOULD they…?”

Although I’ve been on one end of not having activities advertised, I was looking for options / comments beyond my pool of information.

Thank you everyone for some great absolutely brilliant comments and insights - as they certainly helped colour in a bit more of that picture.

At the heart of the matter are a few things that stand out:

Cadet Portal is obviously still in its infancy, and like all infants, is growing, developing and becoming more complex.

This in itself is a double edged sword. From the point of view of simplicity of use for cadets and making information available and accessible, it’s definitely progressing in the right direction.

It is a monumentally large project, that’s being created by some very talented and dedicated volunteers.

As with all systems; the biggest problem is the human factor - in this case it may be the app creator / activity Commander, the cadet, the sqn staff.

The biggest assumption is that everyone will use it correctly. For this to work from a staff point of view, it needs to be kept as simple as possible - for cadets, frankly it needs to be in as few words as possible! For parents, it needs to be as detailed as possible.

Comments regarding whether or not parents should have access:- personally, I don’t think they need to be informed when a new activity has been added - but they should be able to see a calendar of activities that “might” involve their son / daughter / evil spawn of their loin.

Any parent of a teenager will tell you that getting information out of one is like pulling teeth.

Supportive families are far more likely to ensure their son / daughter / evil spawn of their loin, is where they’re meant to be / when / correctly attired etc, if they know what’s going on.

It might be prudent; to have a feature built into the bidding process, that fires a brief email / text message to a parent / guardian to say that their son / daughter / evil spawn of their loin has signed up for XYZ, these are the dates / times / costs - do you approve…?

The same trigger, could be used for the CO so they’re automatically notified, who has signed up for what - but I thought SMS already did that.

Going back to whether Sqn OC / Adj should be able to control which activities get seen etc:-

I would have assumed (don’t shoot me!) that it should be possible to close out dates when the Sqn is already committed to a pre-arranged / higher priority activity - or even simply, a lack of available staff to provide cover / escort / support etc.

Likewise - the software to check that the activity is only advertised to suitable / eligible cadets - this could be according to rank, qualification, previous attendance as part of a progressive course.

As to whether it should be down to the OC / Adj to decide what their cadets should see / be able to apply for - this I think has more of a bearing when you ask yourself “is RAFAC a “Top/Down” or “Bottom/Up” organisation…?

Who REALLY is at the centre of what RAFAC is about?

If we treat the organisation as a device for the RAF, complying with RAF standards etc and hierarchy, then that would imply that cadets are at the bottom of the ladder of importance.

If you consider the cadets are of greatest importance - and then work back / up from there - then we see the SNCOs / Instructors / Junior Officers, who are delivering activity / training / inspiration etc are almost as critical (chicken / egg situation).

Then as you progress the ranks through higher levels of management… you get further and further removed from the cadet/s - and arguably less “critical”

Put this another way - is your Sqn the centre of the universe for the want of a better term - or, are you part of a Wing / Region / Corps?

For some, this may be a perfectly valid situation - “we have a large sqn, lots of staff, lots of varied activity, delivering the whole (or most) of the cadet syllabus” - so we don’t NEED to be worried about Wing led activity.

On the other hand, I’ll wager, that if you’re honest with yourself, your sqn tends to concentrate on certain aspects / activities at the expense of ignoring others… most likely down to either misconception, prejudice or simple personal disinterest.

The idea of being able to generate some kind of feedback, such as SEEN / SEEN ADVERTISED / SEEN NOT ADVERTISED and an optional comment field, would at least inform activity commanders of the app had even been seen.

To be able to generate extra feedback such as “lack of interest”, could be spun back on its head and provide an opportunity for staff to present to the squadron what the activity is about etc… and thereby fill a training night with an outside speaker…

Feedback relating to conflict of dates / other activities, could be used when planning future dates.

Feeding back with other info, possibly along the lines of conflict with individuals / safety / inappropriate content, is also invaluable to everyone involved.

Simply not sharing; with no feedback is frankly ignoring the activity / the app creator - and surely not the sort of “teamwork” / “cooperative” oriented environment that we should be creating…

Taking away the personal elements, I think it’s fair to possibly say that many of us
simply don’t need the extra admin burden to have to write extra emails - but possibly a simple pop up box, wouldn’t be that burdensome?

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I partially agree. Wing, Region and Corp put the activity on and add Sqns. Sqn then ticks the publish button for cadet portal and edits the description as per their unique requirements. No email required, Sqn incharge of its own destiny.

This how it is now except we receive multiple unnecessary emails. My point being, I do not want anyone being able to publish activities to my cadets outside of the Sqn.

There is the option of removing your Sqn from an activity but then that can screw you if that activity is cloned later and you want your Sqn on it.

Genuine question - if you don’t get an email, how do you know your unit has been invited to the activity?

I check SMS on a fairly frequent basis, but it could easily be a week or two before I notice we’ve been added to something.

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You get a notification in top right “your unit has been added to etc”

Thing is you get so many notifications it’s sometimes easy to miss although the Same applies to the emails.

Edited to add I’ve not advertised the national event shown on cadet portal as there is a wing one to coordinate the wing returns & an email selection process for nominating the cadets.


Haha, OCD…bit of a strange one but the dashboard shows all the events coming up. I use the transport approval button on all events I have looked at whether published to the cadet portal or not.

The dashboard shows a green icon for transport once you have selected what you’re doing. The events that have a red transport icon are where we have been invited but I have not seen.


(a little late to reply I know) but there is clearly one person who is most qualified to make that decision, the cadet. If they are willing to travel a long distance to partake in an activity that they find interesting what right does a squadron OC have to stop them? Cadets should be offered as many opportunities as possible.


This is the exact issue, allowing event organisers to automatically invite cadets does not only ensure that cadets are being given as many opportunities as possible, but it takes work off the shoulders of squadron staff. There is no need for two entities to be involved in advertising this to cadets, let the event organiser deal with it and simply reduce the overall burden.


It doesn’t with that one as there is the national organisers event & , the wing organisers to coordinate travel & the Sqn staff to do the ground work with suitability.

What I don’t want to do is go through a lengthy process exposing why loads of cadets are not suitable.
Sqn staff have the most information regarding a cadet & unless you can accommodate every cadet then you have to be selective.

Erm…sorry no - the cadet is not the most qualified to assess. If you allow a cadet to go on a course or activity they do not have the knowledge, experience or maturity to handle that cadet will really struggle & may cause issues for the other staff. That can lead to absolutely shattering their confidence & willingness to go on future cadet events where if the hold off just a little it works better long term.

The Sqn staff are best placed to assess whether a cadet isn’t just suitable for an activity and also how to manage their keenness & expectations so they can get the best out of the organisation.

It’s similar to NCO promotion- you have a number of cadets who want to be corporal, some are suitable, some will be with a bit more training, some need a lot of training & a different mindset. You don’t just promote all of those who want to see who sinks or swims (even if “acting” rank”)

If we really wanted to taken cadet experience into account we would add a feedback tab to the activity on cadet portal so cadets can give their comments afterwards. That might be …enlightening :).

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You keep bouncing the all the issues back to squadron, but its about team work, there are occasions where the event organiser can and should deal with cadet portal, it is often too easy to organise an activity then kick it back and say it is the squadrons fault when no cadets turn up. E.g. wing paraded normally assume attendance unless otherwise stated follow up course, could be pursed by course provider.

There is no cap fits all, for context where in the chain do you sit, I am an OC sqn and would appreciate any support, emailing me telling me I HAVE to put an activity on portal is not supportive, especially when it is the same event that happens every week where only the date/time changes but needs individual sms/portal entries,if I do not have a choice activity command should do the groundwork.

Conversely there will be times where I need to review the shopping list of events and plan how the cadets will benefit.

As previously covered cadet portal is young how we use it no doubt will develop with an open mind a variety of solutions depending on unit and individual circumstances, the key is effective communications to/from organisation and cadets/parents which often doesn’t occur.

One thing that would help, if it is an online event auto default as sqn will not be providing transport, 1 less pointless task will help with the bigger things

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I’m not saying I wouldn’t advertise an activity on cadet portal, but before I did, I would be asking:

How would they get there?
Do I need to ask a member of staff to drive?
Can they do it safely?
What time would they need to set off?
Does the activity need the cadet to be alert to be carried out safely?
If a parent is transporting, will there be facilities for them to rest?
Will I be able to satisfy the safeguarding guidance?
Can the activity be accessed closer to home?
What travelling cost will it entail?
Can it be done cheaper, closer to home?

I wouldn’t expect an activity to be offered until all of of those points have been considered.


I have to admit - I don’t know all the existing mechanics about what steps are involved, once an app is sent out…

But - my assumption would be the info contained within the Joining Instructions would detail how the cadets were expected to get to the activity… if that involves a group of parents organising between themselves, so be it - if, because there is a member of staff participating and able to take a mini-bus etc, then this would either be disclosed in the JIs or contained within the Admin Order.

Times needed to set off / somewhere to rest, is the responsibility of the person driving - unless Transport is being provided - in which case it’s detailed on both the app and contained within both Joining Instructions and Admin order…

Details of costs, I thought are to be disclosed in the app already

Safety etc, is surely covered by sign off by the SME / Wing

Perhaps under the suggested tabs for a response to the app creator - what about a tab, saying “INSUFFICIENT INFORMATION”, then an editable field, explaining what’s wrong / a question?

As for alternative dates / accessible alternatives etc - in think this is one of those “in an ideal world” scenarios.

Where alternative courses / identical activities such as First Aid, this information could be included, where known.

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In theory, all of that is supposed to be there.

But when we’re in the position where apps are still in draft, unapproved by the higher authority the day before the event takes place, we regularly find organisers not following the rules that we’re all supposed to be bound by.

Now, if the rule was it couldn’t be shared until it had gained approval, then we’ve got a very different scenario.

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Talking to a colleague, a major reason for not automatically sending out apps to all cadets within that Wing / Region, a comment was made over accessibility - relating to the Overseas Squadrons…

For example, Gibraltar not being automatically involved with all activities in Lincolnshire - for fear their cadets object, saying “look at them, getting to do XYZ! Why don’t we ever get to do XYZ?!”

I suspect the same could be said for the cadets of Lincolnshire resenting not being able to go to the beach for water skiing (as a hypothetical activity, organised in Gib!)…

Not much of an argument - but possibly one that highlights the idea of having pre-set parameters under which certain activities DO get sent out - and which ones DO require an OC approval…?

For example - OC of XX Sqn, won’t permit cadets travelling more than X miles to activities, unless transport has been provided?

Or won’t participate if it occurs on certain dates…

I thought Apps HAD to be approved within a certain period of time before the activity - for this very reason… or is it activity specific?


In theory, sure. In reality? Almost never.


My word - you DO surprise me…! I thought RAFAC was a highly evolved, organisation running like clockwork…!

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(post deleted by author)

  1. All the details for this event are known - so yes, Sqns should allow their cadets access to the same opportunities as everyone else.
  2. You (and other CFAV) have full access to all files on the SMS event including Administrative Order, Risk Assessments, MEL, Medical Plan, Feeding Plan, Joining Instructions etc.
  3. The reason why it is not yet “approved” is not your concern. There are a number of reasons why an event might not show as “approved”. This event is with the Authorising body - you can see the date it was submitted on the SMS ‘approval’ tab.
  4. Should you have any formative feedback regarding this event please contact the WSO you mention.

If you would like full guidance on SMS activities and approval processes please review all relevent ACPs and ACTOs… as not one size fits all.

Finally, one day I would love to be directed to your comments for positive reasons. I just hope that your negativity doesn’t impact on our cadets. That is all.