Making a Complaint

I’m 19 years old so dealing with it mostly myself. My mum knows the story but that’s about it. There was no financial loss as I did not travel but now I am unable to go to any camp or pipes and drums weekend ever again.

I suppose that is grounds for a complaint as you would have either had to leave your instrument or clothing behind, either of which would have meant you would be unable to play anyway. The question is, does the WC know the facts of the case or was he just told that you dropped out of the event?

It might well go back to Region but makes the higher chain aware and ensure that hopefully it gets looked at properly. It’s the same as a complaint going to a head office or senior manager and being directed to the local office/management to investigate. Going to Wing or Region initially would result in nothing happening.

As for small claims court from what I’ve read it seems to get action in the same way as the ombudsman does.

You might consider that as a later action should a properly formatted complaint direct to region fail to be actioned properly. No need to jump in with 2 feet from the outset.

Alternatively, you could quit and immediately join the ACF as an instructor and join their band. That will show them!

Utter rubbish. You have no concept on how these things work.

I just don’t see it as being open and transparent.

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to be honest, neither do I. That’s what’s making me ask lol

Piper Ryan,

A friendly piece of advice. Given that you are a member of the pipe band who must take flights in order to attend training weekends, it doesn’t take a genius to work out the wing to which you are referring. I would strongly advise you to take the advice which has been offered and continue with this matter offline through the official CoC. Keep note of every piece of correspondence and if there is no resolve then pass the matter up to Region, with copies of everything. Hope this helps.

I am sure everyone agrees, as with most things it is right to complain, else you get walked over. And again everyone will agree that the ACO has procedures within its’ clearly defined structure.

The bottom line is respect and appreciation of volunteers, because without you the ACO cannot exist ad Cadets do not get to enjoy the Cadet experience. An essential ingredient of the complaint mechanism is impartiality at all levels, so that any issue can be decided without influence and bias.

One comment was bot to start something which you did not think you could win - surely if you are right and that others have been wrong, needs to be sorted.

Regretably I now dont believe the system to be bullet proof : I have now seen ACP20, by a former CO raise a bullying and harassment complaint against Wing (and Region) Personnel. There were witnesses and proof, and through an RAF legal expert as Assisting Officer, the matter went to HQAC. Two additional factors involving one of respondents a) a complaint that he failed to secure weapons whilst acting as RCO, and also probably that as Child Protection Adviser he was able to negate an ACP4 investigation seemed to have no relevance, so that ultimately the ACP20 complaint was not upheld, and what is more important failed to bring an end to acts of intimidation.

Following these events I got to be in a position to use ACP11, believing in the various claims that Civilian Support was independent, and in no way controlled by the Uniformed chain. Quite a revelation then to find that it no longer works that way.

So having gained a late in life commitment to the organisation, which I believed to be fair and just, it was extremely disappointing to find this lack of impartiality is no longer there, despite what is said in the Rules & Regulations.

I am not alone in my experience neither.

So even though you might consider making complaint a waste of time, it gives those who think they are in charge, reason to pause.

As I said above, you are all an essential asset to the Corps, but it sounds like the ACF might be a benefactor - I already have an ex colleague who worked wonders with the Sqn band and brought in useful funds, but Wing upset him so he moved to the ACF and his life is now nothing but roses.


Thanks for the advice. I’ve already been warned so don’t worry. Also, I have been very careful not to name any person, wing or region. There is more than one regional band and there is more than one wing that would require flights. Anyone that names any wing or region is making an assumption.

Also, I would just like to clarify as I have had staff members contacting me about this. I am not making a complaint on this forum. If you read my original question you would see that I was asking how best to make a complaint and for any advice on doing so. I have been very careful with my wording and answers to make sure I have named no individual, squadron, wing or region.

Thank you